Chapter 108: The Engagement (Part 1)

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Author's Note: I hope everyone is doing well! Thanks for waiting for this chapter and all your votes and comments! I hope you enjoy this sweet chapter. ❤️

For those who are frantically voting, you can read this as a break 😂 I hope it brings some entertainment amidst the collection of hearts! Hang in there!

"What do you think?" Hyun Bin asked Ye-Jin. They were sitting in the outdoor yard, enjoying the crisp and fresh morning air. Ye-Jin was having her usual americano and Hyun Bin a latte. It was so peaceful and tranquil that it felt oddly foreign.

In a span of a short week, South Korea had been turned upside down. The entire country was in a frenzy over the escalating COVID-19 situation. Everyone was worried and had their eyes glued to the news, which unfortunately was getting bleaker by the day.

Ye-Jin thought carefully as she took a sip of coffee. She was honestly in two minds. What were they deliberating about? They were considering if they should still carry on with the engagement, given the current COVID-19 situation.

Ye-Jin sighed, "A part of me feels that it would be inappropriate for us to carry on, just because there's so much pain and fear everywhere now. It feels as if we shouldn't be celebrating."

Hyun Bin kept his expression carefully neutral. He personally wanted to proceed with the ceremony. He fully understood what Ye-Jin had just said and a part of him agreed as well. A bigger part of him, though, was of the view that life still had to go on. He didn't think anyone should pause their lives just because of the virus. In fact, if there was one thing he learnt in the past week, it was that one should live for today since we never know what tomorrow would bring. That said, Ye-Jin's opinions would always take precedence with him and he wanted to know how she felt.

Ye-Jin continued after a long pause, "But another part of me wants to proceed. Our parents are looking forward to it and I don't want damper their spirits."

Hyun Bin perked up a little on that statement. This was not exactly the reason he wanted to hear but he would take anything that brought the results he wanted.

Interestingly enough, Ye-Jin blushed a little. Hyun Bin's curiosity was piqued and he waited patiently for her to continue. Ye-Jin cleared her her throat and mumbled, "And I don't want to delay it further as well. I think I'm ready for this step and if we delay it due to COVID-19, who knows how long we would have to wait."

Hyun Bin broke into a wide smile. It warmed his heart (and even his toes!) that they were so in sync about this.

Ye-Jin saw Hyun Bin's big smile and misunderstood that he was planning to tease her about being in a rush to tie herself to him. She had just opened her mouth to explain when she felt his large hands envelope her smaller ones.

Ye-Jin looked up and met Hyun Bin's eyes. They were so warm and so loving that she forgot what she wanted to say. She felt her heart rate speed up as she found herself lost in his gaze.

"I love you Son Eon-Jin," Hyun Bin murmured in his deep baritone. "I love how you are honest with your feelings. I love how we feel the same way about the important things. I love how much you love me. I don't think I can ever show you exactly how much I love you. The depth of my love surprises even me sometimes."

Ye-Jin felt a warmth spread through her. Every time she gave Hyun Bin something, he gave back, twice over. She looked at him and smiled. It suddenly struck her, this is the man she's going to spend the rest of her life with. It filled her with wonder and amazement that they had found each other.

Hyun Bin stood up and pulled Ye-Jin gently up. He grinned and said, "Alright, now that we have decided, let's finalize the plans. I want to officially label you as mine."

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