Chapter 161: Love Is... (Part 2)

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Author's Notes:

Hello! I hope everyone is doing well. This chapter is long delayed. Apologies, some stuff came up at home and I had to push out the update. Thank you for waiting so patiently!

This is the second part of the Love Is... chapter. A reader suggested a chapter on how they took care of each other on a day to day basis and this is based on that suggestion. Thank you and I hope you enjoy this 🥰

Also, thank you all for reading, your votes and comments... as usual... I'm behind the later comments but I will catch up on it!  😘

It's almost the weekend and I hope you all have a great weekend!

Love Story 3: Through Worse - Under-the-weather Ye-Jin

Late afternoon, the day before

Hyun Bin smiled when Ye-Jin threw her arms around his neck. He was holding a bag of tteokbokki from her favorite shop.

She exclaimed, "Why are you here! Shouldn't you be at the filming set now? Won't you be late? How did you know I was craving tteokbokki? Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

He laughed at Ye-Jin's rapid fire of questions. "I came back to give you this. I left earlier so I could pick this up before going to the set, so I'm not late. And I think your question should be: when do you not crave tteokbokki? Lastly, you're welcome."

Ye-Jin laughed, he really was organized when it came to answering questions.

He looked at his watch, "But I do need to go or I'll really be late. Eat well, okay?"

She gave him a naughty smile, tip-toed and placed her lips lightly against his. She murmured, "No time even for this?" The tip of her tongue outlined his lips suggestively. He swallowed.

Kitty skidded to a stop in front of them. She raced from her room when she heard Hyun Bin's voice. Now she turned around and returned to her room. She was familiar with the drill. Once her parents start this lip-locking thing, it will be awhile before they come out of their own world.

Side-track... Kitty's Thoughts

Daddy was always giving Mummy presents and Mummy loved all of them. Kitty loved presents too but honestly, some of Daddy's presents were plain weird...

Food was at the top of the list. Daddy bought Mummy all kinds of yummy food. Tteokbokki aside, Kitty had seen ice-cream, chips, cookies, wine and even snow crabs! Kitty fully approved! Food made good gifts, she loved it too when people gave her snacks!

Plants and flowers were next on the list. This was "half-approved". Kitty still couldn't understand why Mummy loved them so much. In her view, they were only good for chewing and Mummy obviously didn't enjoy chewing them. She was still trying to figure out what else they were good for.

Then came the bizarre gifts, which Kitty graded as fail! And there were so many of these. First were the little white balls and long sticks (which looked dangerous). They already had a room full of them at home and Kitty wondered why Daddy kept gifting Mummy with more. Were they for chasing cats? Daddy also bought Mummy lots of dining ware. They already had cupboards full of plates, bowls, cups of all shapes and sizes. Also, wasn't the food more important than the dishes?

But if Kitty had to pick the weirdest one, it was the first gift she witnessed Daddy giving Mummy. It happened just a few days after she came home from Uncle Mong's. What was it? Gloves! They were not even like the pretty ones Mummy wore during winter. The gloves were thick and bright yellow! Nobody in their right mind would wear them! Still, the gloves had saved her from a stern lecture, while made it a good gift. (A/N: Chapter 160)

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