Chapter 47: LA - The Surprise

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Author's Note: We begin the LA series :) I'm not sure how many chapters we'll have on this as yet. Hope you enjoy this lighthearted chapter. We're at mid week, have a good week ahead until we get to the weekend everyone!

Ye-Jin left for Los Angeles three days after Christmas. One of her close girlfriends, Hye-Rin Onni, had relocated to LA after marrying her American husband. They had made plans last year that Ye-Jin would spend 2019 new year with them in LA. In addition, it was their daughter Sophie's one year old birthday and Ye-Jin was eager to see the little baby and help with the party preparations.

Ye-Jin will be staying the first week with Hye-Rin Onni and move on when Hyun Bin joins her in LA.

Ye-Jin could still remember her conversation with Hyun Bin last year when he invited her to the VIP screening for The Swindlers. She couldn't attend then as she was traveling to LA. He had been envious of her trip and said he should visit LA soon. Who would have guessed that one year down the road, they would be visiting LA together? Ye-Jin smiled, 2018 has turned out to be a wonderful year for her. She's praying that 2019 would be equally fulfilling and kind.

In Seoul, 30th Dec 2018 - Memories of Alhambra Wrap-up Party

Filming for Memories of Alhambra was finally over. As with any project, Hyun Bin had mixed feelings. On one hand, he was relieved that filming had completed successfully and he could look with pride at the piece of work, knowing that he has put in his best. On the other hand, there's also a tinge of regret that it was now over and also what he could have done better.

The cast and crew had been fantastic and they have gone through so much together the last seven months. He was going table by table to thank everyone for their hard work. He had substituted the usual beer or soju with water, a fact which had not gone unnoticed. A few of the senior crew members had teased him about the water and joked that he must have a hidden wife somewhere who was controlling him. Hyun Bin had laughed and gave an excuse that he had taken some medication earlier.

In truth, he had cut down on alcohol since the wefi incident in Granada so they were not totally off the mark with the wife joke. In addition, Hyun Bin was going to catch a midnight flight to Los Angeles and he didn't want to go up the plane drunk.

He had originally planned to join Ye-Jin a week later. He had some administrative backlog in VAST which he needed to settle and he was also concern he may be needed for last minute edits for the drama.

Ye-Jin had tried to hide her look of disappointment when she realized they couldn't spend the New Year together, but Hyun Bin saw her disappointment before she could cover it. She had quickly taken on a cheerful tone and told him that she would be happy to have more days with her friend as they had a lot to plan for the birthday party.

Hyun Bin knew Ye-Jin understood his reasons and was genuinely fine with it but he had felt this ache in his chest when he saw her disappointment. Her disappointment probably bothered him more than it did her and he had ended up pulling late nights to clear the administrative work. He also discussed with the Director on the likelihood of them needing him. It was unlikely and they had a partner in LA that could help coordinate if they really had to. With that, Hyun Bin changed his tickets to depart immediately after the party.

On route to Incheon International Airport

"Hyung," Dong Wan said as he drove, "Be careful when you're there. Even though its not Korea, there are still a lot of Koreans and international fans who can recognize you."

"Yes, I know. Don't worry so much. Its not the first time I'm traveling overseas by myself. Why are you so worried this time around?" Hyun Bin asked, he was genuinely curious. "Are you going to miss me because I'll be away for nearly a month?" Hyun Bin laughed, "Come to think of it, we haven't been separated for more than a month the whole of last year."

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