Chapter 136: Jordan Side Stories (Part 2)

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Author's Note:

Hello! I hope everyone is having a good week so far 😊

This is going to be the last chapter of the Jordan period. (lol, although there may be some flashback to this period in future chapters. I realized there were quite a few interviews/events I left out) HB will be home the next chapter!

Parts of the stories in this chapter were based on feedback from readers. For example, there were some rumors that YJ visited the Bargaining set when they were filming in Korea. lol, I didn't think she would do it openly, hence the slight twist here. Or feedback to bring back the shampoo reference. Or the dress. And many more... so thank you for all for sharing your insights!

Thank you also for all your and comments! And special thanks for @Artiejjiefor proof-reading! (although I didn't give her time for the last story... lol, so that explains why that is less smooth 😋)

I hope you guys enjoy the chapter! Have a great week ahead!

Story 4: Mrs Kim and the Fake News

It had been two days since the fake news debacle, and Hyun Bin finally allowed himself to relax. It looked like things were settling down.

VAST's second statement that his family had been hurt by the fake rumors had shut down the media and public speculations.

He cleared things up with Ye-Jin and the incident had only strengthened their trust and love for each other.

He had spoken with his in-laws (A/N: Chapter 134) and while they were understandably concerned about the news, they had been more worried about its impact on him. He was touched by their trust and love for him.

He then called his father. Unexpectedly, this turned out to be the most difficult conversation to date. His father was furious with the media for publishing unverified rumors. Unlike his usually calm and collected demeanour, Mr. Kim ranted throughout their call. As an established lawyer, he threatened to take legal action against the media houses for defamation and fake news.

As Hyun Bin placated his father, the irony of the situation was not lost on him. He had spent the last two days cursing out the media for creating this mess and here he was now trying to downplay the situation to appease his father. This was another mark to chalk up against the stupid gossip mongers!

Hyun Bin was relieved when the call finally ended. Knowing that Ye-Jin and her parents both wanted to let the news die down went a long way to quell his father's anger. He had grumbled about society's low moral standards but stopped threatening lawsuits.

Hyun Bin had sighed. This should hopefully be the last of this entire fiasco.

Well, not quite. He forgot about a very important person - his mother.

Mrs Kim called the next day. At exactly 12 midnight local time, Hyun Bin's phone rang and he groaned when he saw the caller ID. So much for peace and tranquility. This was going to be the real deal.

"Omma?" Hyun Bin cautiously greeted, taking care to hold the phone a few centimeters away from his ear.

There was silence. His ears were safe but his hair stood on end, wondering what to expect. The silence was more unnerving than the yelling he had expected.

After a moment, he asked again, "Omma, are you there?"

Mrs Kim let out a loud sigh.

Hyun Bin swallowed.

Another loud sigh.

Hyun Bin surrendered. The silent treatment was more traumatizing than her scolding.

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