Chapter 66: CLOY - Filming at Jeju Island (Part 1)

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Author's Notes: Just want to say thanks again for following this fanfic, especially for the votes and comments. I don't respond individually but I definitely read through all of them and they are much appreciated! 😘

Setting up the stage for the parents meeting but the actual meeting will be a few chapters out... still have not figured when exactly to include it. Meanwhile, hope you enjoy this one, have a great week ahead!

They were scheduled to film in Jeju Island during the first week of October. Most of the DMZ scenes in the drama were shot in Hallasan National Park on the island.

Majority of the crew had departed a few days earlier to prepare the set. Hyun Bin took the late morning flight on 1st October. Ye-Jin was scheduled to fly in later that evening as she had a photo-shoot during the day.

Bad Weather in Jeju

Typhoon Mitag was approaching Korea. At the time Hyun Bin boarded the plane, the weather forecast was projecting for it to hit Korea in the later part of the week and it was likely to miss Jeju. Typhoons were common this time of the year and Hyun Bin didn't think too much about it. It also looked like they should be done with most of the major scenes by the time Mitag was scheduled to arrive.

In the one short hour Hyun Bin was on the plane, everything changed. He landed in Jeju to news of a low pressure front which had caused the typhoon to pick up speed. The forecast was now projecting that Mitag will make landfall in less than two days. The projected path was also now much closer to Jeju.

Hyun Bin frowned, scheduling aside, he was more worried about Ye-Jin's flight. He messaged Ye-Jin.

[Bin] Eon-Jin, it's looks like the typhoon will hit sooner and it's closer to Jeju. Make sure to check if your flight is still scheduled. If it's bad, come in after the typhoon passes.

There was no response after twenty minutes. She must be still in the photo-shoot. He frowned and contemplated if he should contact Manager Kim.

Dong Wan saw Hyun Bin's frown and guessed he was unable to contact Ye-Jin Nuna. "Hyung, I'll check with Manager Kim if there's any changes in their schedule."

Fifteen minutes later, Dong Wan updated Hyun Bin, "Hyung, Nuna has about an hour more to go for her photo-shoot. Manager Kim already moved Nuna to an earlier flight, just in case the later one gets cancelled. She should arrive in Jeju around 5pm. He said not to worry, they have time."

The weather got progressively worse. That evening, Hyun Bin paced in his room as he waited for Ye-Jin to arrive. She called him about ninety minutes ago as she was boarding the flight. The flight time from Seoul to Jeju was about an hour and her flight should have landed but her flight number was still marked as on route.

Hyun Bin was a seasoned traveler and knew it was common for flights to be delayed. His logical mind told him there could have been a queue to depart Seoul or a queue to land at Jeju but his heart couldn't help but worry. He knew he was being illogical but he also knew he won't calm down until she landed. He has now accepted that he had double-standards when it came to Ye-Jin and he just needs to deal with it.

Thirty minutes later, he finally saw her flight status change to landed. He heaved a sigh of relief, his heart was back in place. He held onto his mobile phone, knowing Ye-Jin would call once she disembarked. As he expected, his mobile rang fifteen minutes later. Hyun Bin picked up the call even before the first ring finished.

"Hello, Tae-Pyung, I just landed. There were delays at both Seoul and Jeju due to the typhoon," Ye-Jin's bright and cheery voice came through. "I'll see you shortly."

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