Chapter 31: More Side Stories

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Author's Notes: thank you for all your comments and ideas. 😊 Did also plan to write something on Hyun Bin's friends (just didn't find any mention of friend names online) I'll put something in future chapters, so stay tuned!

I'm going to start on the Negotiation Promotions period after this. There's lots of interview materials out there so hopefully will be fun! Meanwhile, hope you enjoy this chapter!

Story 1: Ye-Jin and Dong Wan

The entire VAST office has been on high alert for the last two days. There was a palpable sense of excitement and anticipation in the staff and today was The Day. What was happening? Their boss's boss is coming to their office today!

There was a legitimate reason for the visit. They received the screening and promotion dates for The Negotiation and needed to coordinate Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin's schedules, interview questions as well as wardrobes. It was easier for everyone to be in a room and agree on the approach. Of course, there were also the 'not so legitimate' reasons. Hyun Bin wanted Ye-Jin to have a view of his work environment and Manager Kim and Dong Wan also wanted to sync up on their coordination plans.

Manager Kim, Ye-Jin, her lead stylist Min-Ji and publicist Hee-Joo, appeared at Vast Entertainment office early that morning. Ye-Jin was looking beautiful as usual in a pastel yellow dress and she smiled, her signature eye smile brighter than the morning sun.

Hyun Bin was waiting at the underground carpark for them, together with Dong Wan. When the vehicle stopped, Dong Wan rushed ahead of a surprised Hyun Bin to open the door.

"Good morning Nuna, " Dong Wan beamed, extending a hand for Ye-Jin to hold as she got out of the car. "You look great today!"

Hyun Bin was going to step forward and give Dong Wan on knock on the head for taking his place but he was too slow. Ye-Jin took Dong Wan's hand and beamed at him, "It's so nice to see you again, Dong Wan. How have you been?"

Ye-Jin looked up and smiled at Hyun Bin but followed Dong Wan into the lift lobby, chatting with him on their latest happenings.

Hyun Bin turned to look at Manager Kim, who couldn't stop himself from snorting at Hyun Bin's incredulous expression. Manager Kim covered his snort with a cough and indicated for Min-Ji and Hee-Joo to follow him into the lobby.

Hyun Bin was left staring after them, flabbergasted that Dong Wan had the nerve to side-step him.

In Hyun Bin's office

They have spent the last three hours agreeing on the promotion schedule. The official press conference will be on 9th August, along with a Vogue photoshoot to promote the movie. Hyun Bin will then depart for Europe for the next three weeks to continue filming for Memories of Alhambra. He'll return early September and they'll start the promotion rounds, spanning almost three weeks.

Hyun Bin had been delighted when Dong Wan first passed him the proposed scheduling. The long promotion period meant that they'll be able to spend a lot of time together and best of all, they won't have to do it secretly. He had been looking forward to discussing the details and see if there's opportunities to spend time together after work hours.

However, a certain Kim Dong Wan seemed bent on spoiling his day. Hyun Bin has been glaring at the top of Dong Wan's head for the last three hours. What did Dong Wan do?

Hyun Bin was actually happy that his staff seemed to all love Ye-Jin. From the receptionists to the stylists to the marketing folks to Dong Wan, everyone seemed to enjoy talking to her and went out of their way to make her comfortable. Dong Wan, however, was being outright ridiculous. He had planted himself next to Ye-Jin the entire time and was fawning over her, nodding with that sickening smile on his face every time Ye-Jin said something. When discussing their schedule, Ye-Jin was seated between her manager and Dong Wan. When discussing their wardrobe, Ye-Jin was seated between her stylist and Dong Wan. When reviewing their interview questions, Ye-Jin was seated between her publicist and Dong Wan. And where was Hyun Bin? He was seated opposite Ye-Jin!

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