Chapter 28: Farewell in Barcelona

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Author's Notes: Thank you for all your kind words! This is the last chapter in Europe. I really enjoyed writing this chapter and hope you enjoy it too.
Updates may be a little slower with the work week starting again. Have a good week ahead!

Today was their last day together in Barcelona. Hyun Bin had a 4pm flight back to Granada and Ye-Jin a 5pm flight to Paris. Ye-Jin had changed her mind about staying in Barcelona as she wanted the city to be their joint memories. She did not want to create memories on her own here.

They both woke up early and decided to take a stroll along the beachfront before breakfast. The mood was a little pensive as they thought about their impending separation but both tried to put that aside and focus on the time they had left.

It was a sight straight out of a romantic movie. They held hands as they strolled along the beach, their fingers tightly intertwined. The gentle breeze that ruffled their hair was both cooling and refreshing.

"Ye-Jin," Hyun Bin said.

"What is it?" Ye-Jin looked at him curiously when he didn't continue.

"Can I say that yesterday was our first day as a couple?" Hyun Bin asked sheepishly. "It is in my mind but on second thoughts, I don't want to assume. I want to always know what you're thinking."

Ye-Jin broke into a smile at his expression. His public image has always been charismatic and cool. In sharp contrast, he had a pouty, half-embarrassed and yet hopeful expression on his face. He looked.... cute. A word she won't normally associate with him. She thought about his question and shyly nodded. "Yes, let's give it a try. Let me warn you first, Bin. I can be an opinionated and annoying person once you really get to know me."

Hyun Bin was ecstatic. Finally! That was all he could think of. She's finally willing to acknowledge him as an official part of her life. She could be as annoying as she wants, he was willing to accept and love even that part of her. There was so much of her that he already loves, what's a couple more minor traits like annoying and opinionated. He pulled her into his arms and gave her a tight hug. "Thank you, Ye-Jin, for giving us the chance."

Ye-Jin wrapped her arms around his waist and replied, "Silly Bin, thank you for liking me and being so steadfast in your belief about us. Thank you for your patience."

They stood there for a long time locked in embrace, savoring the simple joy of being together, grateful they had found each other and determined to protect their precious love. They both knew this was just the first step. Even though it hasn't been easy to get here, the rest of their journey will be even tougher. It will require all their love, trust, respect and patience for each other. But it will be oh so rewarding.

At Barcelona Airport

They decided to grab a simple lunch at the airport and were seated at a café, waiting for their food to be served.

Ye-Jin suddenly asked. "Bin, what does your family usually call you?"

Hyun Bin immediately knew what she was referring to. She really was a very thorough person. He smiled, "They call me Tae-Pyung. How about your family?"

Ye-Jin replied with a slight frown, "Eon-Jin."

Hyun Bin waited for her to continue, looking forward to what she would come up with. He knows it's a practical thing to sort out but then again, she can call him anything she wants, preferably something sweet and endearing. He really wasn't too bothered.

"I want to call you Tae-Pyung as well then." Ye-Jin decided. "We're like family now right?" she blushed a little as she said that.

He smiled, "Of course, Tae-Pyung's good. I'll call you Eon-Jin then."

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