Chapter 155: While He Works... (Part 1)

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Author's Note:

It's the end of the weekend for me, I hope everyone had a great weekend 😊 Firstly, apologies the chapter took longer than expected. Updates have been slower the past couple of months... work has ramped up and I'm just not getting as much time to write. Thank you all for your patience! 😘

This chapter (and the next few) will probably on the time period during CA filming. I haven't really thought through the content but i thought of doing little stories of how this period passed and how they probably supported each other through... Let me know if anyone has thoughts!

Thanks again for reading, commenting and voting! I hope you have a good week ahead! 🧡

Story 1: Hyun Bin's fist day of filming

16th February - First Day of CA2 Filming

Ye-Jin opened her eyes. It was still dark and her eyes took a moment to adjust. The digital clock by the bedside showed 5am. She yawned lazily, her alarm would not go off for another fifteen minutes. She turned to her side, adjusted her head comfortably on her human pillow and gazed at the man lying next to her.

Hyun Bin was still soundly asleep. His usually angular and hard jawline softened in sleep and his lips were slightly parted as he breathed evenly. Ye-Jin lay her hand gently on his cheek and smiled. He looked as peaceful as a baby. Her big baby. She could spend the entire day just looking at him.

She ran her fingers lovingly through his hair and smiled at the short spikes. He had cut his hair a few days ago in preparation for CA2. Her fingers travelled down and traced his nose, admiring how it was so elegantly  straight and high. She used her thumb to caress his cheeks and marveled at how soft and smooth his skin was - if she ignored his day-old stubble. It was almost a crime that it belonged to a man.

She rested her hand on his heart and closed her eyes. The steady beat was familiar and comforting. The heat radiating from his chest was soothing and so comforting her toes curled. It was wonderful to have him by her side.

Her handphone started vibrating. It was the alarm. She had set it to vibrator mode last night so it wouldn't disturb him when it went off. He didn't have to be up for another hour.

She could lie here and look at him all day but she needed to get up now if she was going to be on time. Keeping a careful eye on his expression, she gingerly lifted her head and pushed herself up. She froze when his brows furrowed. He was so aware of her that even in sleep, he had sensed her leaving.

She wrapped her hands around his and soothingly massaged his palms. His brows relaxed and his lips curved into a soft smile. She smiled, planted a light kiss on his cheek and slowly slid off the bed.

She needed to move quickly.

In the Kitchen

Ye-Jin was making Jeonbokjuk (abalone porridge). It was Hyun Bin's first day of filming for CA2 and she wanted to make him a comforting and nourishing breakfast.

This was her first attempt and she had gone to the wet market yesterday morning and bought four large fresh Jeju abalones. Her mother-in-law had sworn that the Jeju ones were the best.

She had already soaked the rice and it would be ready in 30 minutes. Now she needed to prepare the abalone.

Step one was to clean the external shell. Ye-Jin hummed as she scrubbed hard at the edges.

Step two, she used a large metal spoon to scoop them out from the shells. Ye-Jin gasped when the third one almost fell on the floor.

Step three was the yucky one. She grimaced as she looked at the greenish part and muttered, "That must be the innards Omeonim said I need to add for it to taste good." She used the knife to separate the innards and made a face as she placed it in a bowl. It was hard to imagine that something so yucky looking would be critical to the taste.

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