Chapter 61: Filming in Switzerland (Part 2)

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Author's Notes: This will conclude filming in Switzerland 😊 hope you enjoyed it! Haven't quite decided what comes next yet so no preview lol. Enjoy the rest of the weekend. Again, thanks for your comments and votes  (for earlier chapters as well, I'm glad more people are enjoying the story!) stay safe everyone!

After completing their scenes at Grindelwald, the crew made a day trip out to Klein Schneidegg, which was just thirty minutes away. There was just one scene scheduled there and they were expecting to end filming early today. They would have the rest of the day off to recharge before they move to Lake Lungern tomorrow morning to continue filming.

Klein Schneidegg – The Photo

Klein Schneidegg was simply put, breathtaking. At an elevation of slightly more than 2,000m above sea level, it was a mountain pass between the Eiger and Lauberhorn peaks. The surrounding mountains towered majestically above the clouds, its beauty surreal.

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were struck by the grandeur of the place. It was truly heaven on earth.

This was the scene where Jeong-hyeok and Se-ri really first crossed path. Side by side, albeit unaware of each other, they viewed the paragliders with awe.

It was not different to act out their scene, they were truly in awe of the sight before their eyes. The challenge in today's scene was how they would be able to mirror each other's expressions and look like one despite being strangers.

It would have been a challenge for other pairings but this was right up Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin's area of expertise. They are well known for mirroring each other's actions even when it's unintentional. And true enough, they aced the scene and completed everything in one take.

As Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin monitored the take, Director Lee stole a glance at them. He was impressed. He already knew they worked well together but this was at another level. He had worked with many experienced actors but this was the first time he had seen a pairing so in sync with each other's response.

The entire crew was grinning, they took thirty minutes to wrap up a shoot that was scheduled for two hours. They have been filming non-stop for nearly a week and everyone was glad to have the extra hours off. They called it a day and everyone was free to partake in their own activities before they leave for Lake Lungern tomorrow morning.

Most of the production crew opted to return to Grindelwald. Apart from the need to return equipment, most of them were exhausted. As with any film production, most people only see the actors and actresses working long hours. In reality, the crew had it even worse. They start out earlier to prepare the set and stay later to close up the set. They were going back to Grindelwald to catch up on sleep.

As Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin prepared to change out of their set clothes, Hyun Bin suddenly called her back. "Ye-Jin shi, shall we take a photo here?"

Ye-Jin smiled and nodded. Hyun Bin took his DSLR from Dong Wan and started adjusting the settings and testing the angle. He gave Dong Wan very specific instructions on the angle and position to take and went over to join Ye-Jin. He placed his right hand on Ye-Jin's shoulders and they both smiled. The scenery was beautiful but it was the smiling couple who stood out. Despite them being in their set clothes, it was clear this was Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin. Dong Wan clicked the shutter, this moment captured forever on film.

Lunch at Hotel Bellevue des Alpes

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin decided to have lunch at Hotel Bellevue des Alpes before returning. This hotel was an icon in Klein Schneidegg, dating back to 1840 and boasting the best panoramic views around the area. To avoid any gossips, Manager Kim and Dong Wan tagged along.

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