Chapter 97: Ye-Jin's Chapter

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Author's Notes: I contemplated what to do for Ye-Jin's story and decided to link it to her inactivity during the months immediately after cloy. It actually seemed inappropriate considering how happy everyone (including myself) is with the IG update 😜 But I've already gone this path and this is fiction after all 😂

I know a lot of people are looking forward to jealous Bin ,lol, I am too so it will come, just not too sure exactly when yet.

Hope you enjoy the chapter and thanks for all your votes and comments (and ideas!) 💕 Have a good week ahead!

Ye-Jin was sitting at the private rest area in the medical center, nibbling on a sandwich and sipping her coffee.

She scrunched her nose with disdained as she recalled her morning. She had just spent the entire morning in a hospital gown, getting passed from room to room, with doctors and nurses poking needles at her, peering at her through funny looking apparatus, being put into and pressed against all kinds of medical equipment - all in the name of making sure she's fine. "How on earth will suffering this process make me any better?" Ye-Jin muttered to herself.

After the last fainting incident, everyone and she really meant everyone, had been on her back to do a thorough health check. Ye-Jin of course understood the purpose of health checks but she hated going to the hospital and hated getting poked and prodded at. She was fine apart from a lingering tiredness (which she attributed to the weather) and didn't see the need to have a check up.

Kim Oppa has scheduled one for her two days ago, only to have her dodge it by using filming as an excuse. Ye-Jin had gone behind him and volunteered to start filming earlier to avoid the check up.

Manager Kim shook his head, he had expected Ye-Jin to pull these stunts. This was not the first time she has tried to avoid these appointments. He wasn't worried though, he now had an arsenal of firepower to get her to the hospital.

He started with the the lowest impact, the rifle. He got CEO Lee to nag at Ye-Jin. As he expected, she was unsuccessful. Ye-Jin again used filming as an excuse, spinning a nonsensical picture of being so busy that she didn't even have time to go to the bathroom and how it was impossible to get a morning off. Ye-Jin did sweetly promise she would go after the drama ended. She did not give specifics but that's one step in the right direction.

The machine gun was deployed next. Manager Kim engaged Hyun Bin to convince Ye-Jin. He had been fairly certain Hyun Bin would get the job done but to his surprise, Hyun Bin failed and returned with his tail between his legs. In reality, Hyun Bin should easily succeed but it was bad timing. This happened a day after Hyun Bin received a red card for letting another woman hug him and he failed since he had no moral position to guilt-twist Ye-Jin into going.

Manager Kim played his trump card, the nuclear bomb. He had been reluctant to use this as he did not want to deal with the collateral damage, but Ye-Jin left him with no choice. Who was the nuclear bomb? Mrs Kim, Hyun Bin's mother and Ye-Jim's future mother-in-law. He obtained Mrs Kim's contact number from Dong Wan and placed a call.

Flashback to Manager's Kim's conversation with Mrs Kim

"Annyeonghaseyo, Mrs Kim. I'm Ye-Jin's manager. I'm so sorry to disturb you." Manager Kim greeted Mrs Kim.

"Please don't say that, Manager Kim. I've always wanted to speak with you and thank you for taking care of Eon-Jin all these years. She tells me how you're like her older brother." Mrs Kim replied warmly.

Manager Kim laughed, "She really is like my little sister. She's just as stubborn and mischievous. I'm actually a bit embarrassed to have to call you for help with this."

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