Chapter 21: Dinner "Date" (Part 2)

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Author's Notes: I may not reply your comments individually but its really nice to see that you're looking forward to find out what happens next (lol, i think all of us wish for the same ending), so just want to say thank you again to everyone reading this!

Some spoilers on the story line (at least based on what I'm thinking now... i don't have a concrete story plan beyond two chapters ahead and it changes as i actually write the chapters) It will go slow... In my mind, Ye-Jin has a lot more concerns and baggage which they will need to overcome first. Our dear Hyun Bin will need lots of patience and determination. I hope you guys will stay around for the journey as well. Have a great weekend and I hope you enjoy this chapter!

Hyun Bin's Apartment

Hyun Bin's apartment was in an exclusive part of Gangnam. It was quiet and security was tight. As the private lift reached the top floor, it opened up to reveal a spacious foyer.

Hyun Bin led Ye-Jin through the main door and took out a pair of home slippers, laying it neatly at her feet. "This is new and should fit."

They then entered into a large living area. "Have a seat, make yourself comfortable. In case you want to freshen up, the rest room's on your left, second door. I'll go start preparing the Naengguk first." Hyun Bin said and disappeared into the kitchen.

Ye-Jin took a look around his living area. It was large, airy and brightly lit. It looks like they have similar tastes in home renovation, she likes the modern yet warm vibes. Unlike her apartment that is decorated with flowers, craft pieces she found when travelling and little things she found interesting, he doesn't have many nick-nacks on display. Everything was neat and in its place.

Ye-Jin noticed a series of picture frames near his lounge corner and went forward to take a look. Apart from a couple of photos of himself at some award event probably, most of his photos were casual shots showing him with family or friends. She picked up one that was obviously a family portrait, showing Hyun Bin's parents, his two brothers and himself. This must be from more than ten years ago. They were all smiling widely and Ye-Jin found herself smiling as well. He looked so young and playful in the photo. His brothers have likely married and built their own families, judging by the following family photos which show more members appearing, likely his sister-in-laws and five children, ranging from a baby to probably elementary school age. It was obvious his nieces and nephews adored him from the way they surrounded him in some of the photos. There were another couple of photos probably with his VAST team, Ye-Jin recognized some of the faces from their filming period. It also looks like he's really into golf, there were quite a few photos of him and fellow actors and friends in golf attire. Last but not least, there was what was likely his baby photo. She couldn't help but smile, he looked so 'pretty' when he was a baby.

Ye-Jin continued to the kitchen and saw him tasting the seasoning for the soup. He tilted his head slightly, as if thinking hard and reached for more vinegar. He tried again and nodded firmly this time around. His motions were quick and familiar. It looks like he is a good cook.

"Do you need any help?" Ye-Jin asked.

Hyun Bin turned around and smiled, his deep dimples appearing. Ye-Jin felt her heart rate speed up and blushed slightly. "Sure, why don't you open up the fridge and see what kind of side dishes you want to have? There's a wide variety. I'm not boasting, but my mum is a great cook. She thinks I don't eat well and sometimes goes overboard with the quantity though," he shook his head. "The rice is almost ready too, so I just need to finish up the soup and we can have dinner. You must be hungry already."

Ye-Jin was getting excited about the side dishes and eagerly opened the fridge. "Wow, you're not kidding about the quantity." Two entire shelves were filled with boxes of side dishes. Ye-Jin scanned through and smiled, "Almost everything I like is here!"

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