Chapter 124: Ye-Jin's Back to Work

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Author's Note:
Hello! It's finally the weekend! Lol, I can finally  catch up on our favorite couple's news without interruptions 🤣 sorry this chapter took longer than expected to update and thanks for waiting!

I wanted to touch on some of the events that happened to them in June period and from the next chapter, we will move on to the period/events preceding Hyun Bin's departure to Jordan. 😭😭

I can see that many of you are re-reading and there probably are many new readers as well. Just want to say thank you again for reading this story! It's great to know that other like-minded fans enjoy this ❤️❤️❤️

I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a great weekend!

June 2020 would turn out to be an eventful period in Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin's life.

They had already gone through Baeksang and the speculations and rumors after it, Ye-Jin IG liking spree and the subsequent upheaval and Hyun Bin wrapped up the Korean portion of filming for Bargaining.

They were really looking forward to some rest and quiet time but typical of life, sometimes things do not go in accordance to one's wishes. What else happened? Read on...

Ye-Jin had her review with Doctor Yoon after Baeksang. For once, she was actually the one chasing for an appointment and happy to visit the doctor. As Ye-Jin expected, it was her best ever visit with Doctor Yoon. He said all the things she wanted to hear. Ye-Jin beamed and cheerily bid him farewell when she left.

Doctor Yoon smiled and shook his head at his irrepressible patient. He had heard Ye-Jin mumbling under her breath that she hoped not to see him for a while. Well, in truth, he hoped for the same. That would mean she was well and healthy.

Manager Kim dropped Ye-Jin off at her apartment and she literally skipped into the house. Hyun Bin had heard her come in and was waiting by the door. He smiled when he saw her. It was obvious what the results were.

Ye-Jin threw herself into his arms and she squealed, "I'm all cleared, I can go back to work!"

Hyun Bin let out a "oomph" as he laughingly caught her. He hugged Ye-Jin and shook his head. He's never seen someone so delighted to be back to work. He knew he was being paranoid but while Doctor Yoon had cleared Ye-Jin, he really didn't want her to push it.

Hyun Bin sighed. He looked at how excited Ye-Jin was and knew he had no chance of getting her to slow down. The only silver lining was that she had yet to identify any movie or drama as yet. It was these types of projects which he worry about. Hopefully, she'll be contented with commercial films, interviews and photoshoots for now.

Ye-Jin for SMART

Hyun Bin was working from home today. As usual, Ye-Jin was curled up on the chair in the corner of his study, studying the latest script she had received.

Hyun Bin was now on the phone with Dong Wan. His expression was somewhat peculiar and it was hard to tell what he was thinking. It didn't look like he was listening to bad news but he didn't look happy as well. He looked... bemused.

"Hyung, listening to them, they really want to sign her. They're actually hoping that you can help to persuade her. They are planning to reach out to MSTeam later today." Dong Wan finished. "What do you think?"

Hyun Bin turned and look at Ye-Jin thoughtfully. She happened to look up and their eyes met. She smiled warmly at him and he felt his heart swell with love. It crossed Hyun Bin's mind that Ye-Jin must be his final stop. They've been together for over two years and with just one smile, she could still made his heart flutter like the first day.

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