Chapter 91: CLOY Filming Continues (Part 9) & Our Past

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Author's Notes: I hope everyone is having a good week. I'm sorry this update took awhile. Work was busy and this chapter also took an unexpected turn. I was trying to figure a story for the second scene in this chapter and it felt like a good time to bring up their past relationships. I know this could be sensitive so I went back and forth a bit on how I should stage it - I went with how I wanted it to be. 😉 I'm writing this so I get some perks.

I wanted to keep this as realistic as possible and intentionally did not mention names for things which I totally made up. Of course, even for the two names I did mention, the context is fictional but I tried to frame it in as positive light as I can. Everyone has a past and I like to think that we can all live with no regrets and the past stay as a part of our past - as it should be. (in my opinion at least 😋)

I hope you enjoy the chapter and thank you for all your comments and votes! Keep them coming, I may not be able to incorporate all your suggestions but its definitely very helpful for me when I think of how to take this forward. Today's chapter on their past came from some of your comments.

Have a great second half of week!

Scene 1: The Birthday Rings (Episode 13)

Everybody noticed the rather odd mood on the set today. Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin seemed a little strange. It was hard to pin the exact reason why they were strange, but they just felt different. It felt almost as if they were shy, which made absolutely no sense given how familiar they were with each other.

How were they strange? Firstly, they wore a smile on their face the entire time. Of course, it wasn't strange to smile and they were both friendly people. But to smile the entire time? Even when they were just waiting on stand-by? It just felt a tad odd. It was almost as if they had a secret only they knew about. Secondly, they seemed slightly nervous today, Hyun Bin in particular. He had so many NGs because he kept mixing up the rings. It was of course, entirely possible to make a mistake but three times? It was strange for someone of his caliber. Thirdly, Hyun Bin kept making some rather odd jokes. Again, it was of course common to joke on the set but his jokes were a little peculiar, almost as if it was a joke within a joke.

They were now running through the actions when Se-ri snatch the rings out of Jeong-hyeok's hand. Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were trying out which hands to hold and take the rings respectively. Hyun Bin first held the larger ring in his right hand. Ye-Jin reached out instead for Hyun Bin's left hand, telling him this was more natural when giving a girl a ring. He smiled, looking slightly embarrassed as he held out his right hand which held the ring Se-ri was supposed to take. Ye-Jin reached out for try taking from his right hand, but it was clear from her expression the left hand felt more natural.

Hyun Bin lifted his left hand and asked, "Is this side easier for you?" At Ye-Jin's confirmation, Hyun Bin said, "I'll switch it then." And he swapped the large and small rings.

When he practiced putting the ring on Ye-Jin's finger, it was obvious he was either slightly nervous or distracted. Despite Ye-Jin holding her left hand out to him, Hyun Bin hesitated because he was confused about which hand he should slide the ring onto. Again, while it was possible to get confused, for an actor with Hyun Bin's level of experience, it just seemed too elementary to trip him up.

There was more to come, they were supposed to hold hands after exchanging the rings. Hyun Bin held up his hands, almost as if they were going to dance. "Surely not like this?" he asked Director Lee.

Ye-Jin rolled her eyes, did he even have to ask? Of course they couldn't hold hands like this. To her surprise, after making that statement, Hyun Bin actually followed through with actions. He reached out for her hands and interlocked their fingers. He then pretended to dance with her. Thankfully, Director Lee found it funny and burst out laughing. Ye-Jin wanted to find a hole to bury herself, what was wrong with Hyun Bin today?

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