Chapter 7: Success!

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Ye-Jin walked onto set on Day 2 and everyone's jaw dropped. She smiled her signature eye smile and greeted everyone on her way to the make-up room. What did she do? She cut off her signature tresses and was now spotting a shoulder length hair style.

Hyun Bin did a double take when he bumped into her outside his dressing room. "You... This is a big change. I hope this wasn't driven by our setbacks yesterday," he smiled wryly.

"Hahah, will I look very professional and determined if I use that as the reason? Although, between us, I'm not that fragile," she grinned mischievously. "I've been toying with this idea since last week. I think Ha Chae-Yoon would prefer a more sporty and easy to manage style. Don't you think you're looking at Chae-Yoon instead of Ye-Jin now?"

Hyun Bin took a step back and looked at her objectively. "I think you're right, the Son Ye-Jin vibe is weaker now. I agree it's a good move. But didn't you mention you have a romantic movie immediately after this? Did you clear that team?"

"Too late," Ye-Jin stuck her tongue out. "I'll face the music when we start that project, they won't know about it before that. I need to go get my make-up done, I'll see you later!"

Filming was carried out on two different floors in the same building. Hyun Bin was in the basement, which was modeled into the kidnapper's den, while Ye-Jin was on the second floor, modeled as the command center. The director's monitor was on the second floor, mainly because Director Lee didn't want to be stuck in the basement.

An hour later, they were at their respective sets, ready to try the test scene again. Ready, Action.

It was different this time around. Ha Chae-Yoon stared into Min Tae-Gu's eyes over the monitor as she tried to engage him. It was as if she was trying to look into his soul. Min Tae-Gu felt the connection. Bingo, they've found that sweet spot.

They tested several more scenes throughout the day. After each shot, Hyun Bin would take the stairs up to the second floor to review the monitor with the team. "I think the stairs will be harder than the actual filming", he muttered on his third trip. "But I guess better me than her." They were all relieved and also ecstatic after monitoring the third test scene. Their chemistry was tangible, they could feel the tension and they could see the emotions evoked in Ha Chae-Yoon and Min Tae-Gu.

"Let's wrap up early today and have dinner and soju," Director Lee told Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin. "We should cement this chemistry!"

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