Chapter 37: Hyun Bin's Birthday

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Author's Notes: Hello All! Thank you for following the story and all your comments and ideas. I'm not replying to comments but you can be sure I'm reading all of them and laughing along with you all 😀
I had planned to work first on the promotion period during The Negotiation and Hyun Bin's birthday after that (just because of the chronological order - you can tell my personality type lol) but I decided to swap the order since I think it will be an anti-climax if I wrote about the promotions first. I'll come back to the promotions after this chapter 😂

It's my first attempt (well second if you count the earlier chapter) at adult content, so forgive me if it's too much or too cringing😅Otherwise, hope you enjoy the chapter!

Alert: This chapter will contain adult content. Please skip if you don't wish to view it.

Ye-Jin's Apartment - Morning of Hyun Bin's Birthday

Ye-Jin woke up bright and early today. It's Hyun Bin's birthday! Ye-Jin was a bundle of nerves. She was happy and excited because it was their first birthday as a couple but she was also nervous and apprehensive about her "gift".

As the days drew nearer to his birthday, Ye-Jin started to get cold feet. She actually considered scraping the whole idea, worrying that she may not have the nerves to carry through the plan. Was it better to just tell Hyun Bin that she's ready and let him initiate the progression of their physical relationship? After debating with herself, Ye-Jin decided to keep her plan. This will be her way of showing Hyun Bin she's willing to take risks for him too. She has been the passive recipient in their relationship for too long. He was the first to address his feelings, the first to declare his feelings and the first to initiate physical intimacy. It was about time for her to be the one to take a first step.

They had a couple of stage greetings around Seoul for The Negotiation today. It should end around 6pm and they planned to have his birthday dinner at Ye-Jin's place. Hyun Bin had originally proposed to have dinner at a restaurant to save Ye-Jin the effort of cooking but she had insisted on making him dinner.

Unbeknownst to Hyun Bin, Ye-Jin has been in regular contact with his mother since that night's dinner. Ye-Jin has been learning from Mrs Kim on how to prepare some of Hyun Bin's favorite dishes. While she's still a long way off Mrs Kim's standards, she has made significant improvements.

Ye-Jin looked at the time, she needed to hurry. She quickly went to the kitchen to start preparing for dinner. She'll need to prepare for her little event tonight too.

Ye-Jin's Apartment - That Evening

Today's promotion events had been tiring but fun. The production team had prepared birthday cakes and it was always nice to be able to celebrate your birthday with fans.

Dong Wan had sneaked them out the minute the last event ended while Manager Kim stayed behind to manage their disappearance. Dong Wan dropped them off at Ye-Jin's apartment and he whispered to Hyun Bin, "Good luck, Hyung!" which earned him a knock on the head from Hyun Bin.

Ye-Jin busied herself with heating up the dinner she had prepared this morning. Hyun Bin went to take a quick shower and changed into comfortable clothes. When he sat down at the table, he looked in amazement, these were all his favorite dishes from childhood.

Ye-Jin was pleased as punch with Hyun Bin's response. "They're nowhere near your mother's standards," she sheepishly caveat, "But it's still not bad."

Hyun Bin walked over and gave her a hug, "Thank you." There was so much love conveyed in those two words. Even if she didn't say anything, he knew how much effort she was making. Apart from learning how to cook his favorite foods, she was also trying to connect with the people he loved. Now that she's fully committed to their relationship, he knows that she's making good her word to love him as best as she can. How lucky was he that she loves him.

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