Chapter 50: LA - Ye-Jin's Birthday

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Author's Notes: Hope everyone is having a good weekend. Again, thanks for your comments and votes :) Hope you enjoy this chapter!

After the golf and dinner spotting incident, Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin became more careful and decided it was better to leave the resort.

They decided to travel a little further out to visit the Grand Canyon. It was about a six hour drive but they both loved nature and decided it would be worth the journey. The Grand Canyon was a popular tourist attraction but given it was winter, they figured everyone will be so bundled up in winter clothes that it would be impossible for people to recognize them. They left for the Grand Canyon the day before Ye-Jin's birthday.

Before starting on their long drive, they decided to stop by the nearby Pavillion supermarket. It was a long drive and they wanted to get some snacks for the trip and some groceries for the stay. It was early in the morning and they figured there would be very little shoppers.

Pavillion Supermarket - near Pelican Hill Resort

Both Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were dressed simply that day, in all black, with caps and sunglasses and looked like any typical couple in the area. They spoke quietly between themselves and shopped quickly, not wanting to attract any attention. They were also careful not to have physical contact, just in case anyone recognized them. It may be borderline paranoiac but after the incident, they didn't want to take any risk.

They viewed the wine selection together first and picked something they both liked. They then split up to pick up the rest of the groceries. Hyun Bin pushed the cart while Ye-Jin walked around. They were done within twenty minutes and left the supermarket happy that no one seemed to have recognized them.

Unfortunately for our couple, there were a couple of Asian tourists at a corner of the supermarket who recognized them. There will be a second wave of rumours due to this supermarket visit but its for a later story.

Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin started on their journey to the Grand Canyon. The weather was great and being on a road trip felt like an adventure. They were both excited and absorbed the scenery, laughing and joking as the car sped along the highway. The scenery soon changed into the dry and harsh Arizona desert and Ye-Jin quickly grew bored of looking at it. The gentle purr of the car engine lulled her to sleep.

Hyun Bin took a quick glance at her and smiled when he saw her dozing. He started to think about her birthday tomorrow. He had made plans to celebrate her birthday at the Grand Canyon. This was another first for them - Ye-Jin's first birthday since they got together.

Hyun Bin's smile widened as he recalled how they celebrated his first birthday together. They had spent the entire day together, albeit working, Ye-Jin made him dinner and they had made love the first time that night. He laughed aloud as he remembered her red ribbon. He has been partial to red ribbons since that night.

"What's so funny?" Ye-Jin had heard him laugh and woke up from her nap. She looked at him curiously.

Hyun Bin had to swallow back his laughter. "Oh, I thought you were sleeping. Nothing, I was just thinking about some work."

Ye-Jin eyed him suspiciously, why would he suddenly think of work and why would work make him laugh anyway. Hyun Bin quickly started talking about their plans when they arrive to distract her. Ye-Jin was excited about visiting the Grand Canyon and he successfully changed the topic.

Grand Canyon - El Tovar Hotel

They finally arrived nearly eight hours later. Their hotel was located directly on the southern canyon rim and boasted a wonderful view of the canyon. Both Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin were awe-struck by the sight in front of them. The Grand Canyon was truly magnificent. It was so expansive it felt surreal and there were really no words that could do it justification. They stood there for a while, absorbing the fact that this wonder was made over seventy million years. They were humbled and it was a good reminder of how insignificant we could be. They wanted to remember this feeling.

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