Chapter 143: Yet Another Rumor & The Unexpected Solution

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Author's Notes:

Happy Tuesday! (workday is just about to start where I am 😊)

We're fast approaching the 1st Jan big day! This chapter is my take on how the Dispatch solution came about. lol, I'm a romantic at heart so I do believe that while there was an element of planning, it happened because it was the right place at the right time 🥰 I have to admit, tabloids can be scary so I'm glad they were on the right side of it and everything worked out well.

The side story in the last part is inspired by Uhm Ji-Won's vlog 😊 I've always believed they're all good friends but its nice to see real footage that they spend time together. A lighthearted side story on that!

Thank you all for reading, leaving kind notes and suggestions and your . They are much appreciated! Also, I originally intended to wrap up this story with the 1 Jan news (hahaha, that was the ideal closure I've been wishing for since I started this) but given how they are providing us with so much crumbs even after Jan 1, I do plan to continue on.... (lol, I actually think post Jan 1 may be even more fun 🤣🤣) We'll see when's a good time to stop. So thank you all for following the story so far! (lol, can't believe its at 143 now) More chapters to come ❤❤

Thanks again to @Artiejjie for editing the chapter.

I hope you enjoy this chapter and have a great rest of week!

More Fake Rumors

On 14th November, a Chinese blogger alleged that Hyun Bin was dating actress Oh Yeon Seo and Hyun Bin again trended on Chinese search engine Weibo. The blogger also said that Son Ye-Jin was dating a businessman whom she often accompanied for golf.

When the rumors reached South Korea, they were so absurd that most media outlets decided against running it. VAST's response to the Song Hye Kyo fiasco had made it clear that Hyun Bin was taking a hard stance on relationship rumors, for reasons that were increasingly obvious to everyone. They were not inclined to test his resolve.

Unfortunately, even without the media, the rumors ran rampant on SNS and fans and the public speculated over the news.

VAST office

Hyun Bin stared intently at the iPad, a deep frown etched onto his face as he read the comments. 'Hyun Bin is really popular with women!', 'From Son Ye-Jin to Song Hye-Kyo to Oh Yeon Seo... he's really in the fastlane', 'Are you jealous that he can have any woman he wants?!?', 'It can't be true!'.

He clenched his jaw so hard that one could see his veins ticking. The iPad hit the table with a loud thud even as he was trying to control his temper .

Across the table, Jin-Wok winced and Dong Wan grimaced. Even they had been flabbergasted when the latest rumors emerged and they could only imagine Hyun Bin's frustration.

"Do you think we offended someone in China?" Hyun Bin asked rhetorically.

Jin-Wok and Dong Wan exchanged a glance. Were they supposed to answer this question?

Hyun Bin sighed and answered himself, "I must have... why else would they keep making up all this rubbish about me? I don't think I've ever met Oh Yeon Seo-shi in person. How did they link us together?"

Jin-Wok tried to stay positive and said, "Except for a couple of third tier tabloids, the media houses didn't report on the news this time. Netizens will forget about it in a day or two. It should die down quickly."

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