Chapter 18: Tabloids, Rumors and Premium Coffee

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MSTeam Entertainment Office - Tabloids speculate Jung Hae In and Son Ye-Jin are dating

Manager Kim put down the tablet and sighed. "Why are they creating this nonsense about Ye-Jin and Jung Hae In... This is just extra work for everyone. It's obvious she treats him like a younger brother."

Ms Lee, the CEO of MSTeam, commented, "It is good publicity for their drama. At least it shows that they are convincing on screen. Wasn't Ye-Jin worried about how the drama would be received? This is a good sign. Anyway, these are mainly secondary tabloids, it will die down. I don't think we need to actively manage this."

Manager Kim looked up, "You don't think we need to officially deny this? We can shut it down fast if we deny."

"They do look good together, I can understand why there's rumors" She wryly smiled. "Have a chat with Ye-Jin. If it bothers her, we can issue a statement to deny it. If she doesn't care, let's just leave it. I still think it's good publicity for the drama." Ms Lee continued after thinking for a minute.

VAST Agency Office

Hyun Bin was reading the same articles on Jung Hae In and Ye-Jin. He frowned, staring at the photos. They looked very close and were either laughing or smiling in all of them. Could they really be dating? He squinted at the photos, trying to figure out the background. Were these from the filming set or a private setting?

He's also from the industry and knows that ninety-five percent of tabloids reports are nonsense, sometimes even orchestrated for publicity purposes. MSTeam Entertainment rarely pulls such stunts, they didn't need to, so it's unlikely that they were behind it.

His logical mind tells him it's likely conjured by second string tabloid press on a slow day but his heart felt tight, what if it was true. What was her agency doing? He fumed inside. Shouldn't they immediately issue a denial statement to protect her. Why was he worrying about their artist instead of them? Hyun Bin was thoroughly, albeit irrationally, annoyed by the entire episode. He knew he was being irrational and that worsened his mood.

Something in the Rain filming site

Ye-Jin was going through make-up when Kim Oppa walked in.

"Good morning Oppa". Ye-Jin chirped. "No coffee?" she continued in disappointment when she saw that he's empty handed. "There's no coffee supply in this set."

Manager Kim shook his head, "You've been spoiled by Hyun Bin. No set provides coffee, much less premium coffee every day."

"What has that got to do with Bin? Even if I'm spoiled, it's by The Negotiation set team," Ye-Jin looked at Manager Kim in confusion.

"Did you think the daily coffee supply was from the set?" Manager Kim laughed. "Hyun Bin's manager was the one who arranged for it. You didn't know? I'm guessing Hyun Bin likes that brand of coffee and we benefited from it too. And no, don't ask me to supply premium coffee for this set. We're not doing it."

"Bin supplied?" Ye-Jin mumbled to herself. "He's not even into coffee himself. Why would he do that..."

"Anyway Ye-Jin," Manager Kim continued, not noticing that his charge was preoccupied with the revelations from their conversation about coffee. "Did you see the news today? About the dating rumors with Jung Hae In. I wanted to talk to you about that. Ye-Jin," he repeated when Ye-Jin seemed to be distracted.

"Yes, Oppa," Ye-Jin forced herself to focus on the current conversation.

"A few of the second rated tabloids ran articles today that you and Jung Hae In are dating," he explained. "Ms Lee thinks there no harm in just letting the news die on its own. I think we should deny it once and for all. We're going to let you decide if you want us to issue a statement."

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