Chapter 169: Summer of 2021 (Part 1)

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Author's Note:

I hope everyone had a good weekend! Firstly, apologies for the long wait. I was planning to finish the chapter last weekend but some stuff came up at home and I didn't get to finish. I've been trying to get back to updating every two weeks but there's just so much happening. I'll continue to try but thank you to everyone who have been patiently waiting!

The next couple (or maybe 3) of chapters will focus on the period before Ye-Jin started filming for 39. Lol, I think they did a lot of planning for the wedding during this time 😉🥰

Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter. Thank you for reading, voting and commenting! Have a great week ahead! 💖

Alert: Please note that there is adult content in the first half of the chapter. As usual, please read or skip at your discretion. Even though this is just a fanfic, I do think some could find adult content more uncomfortable (especially now that they're really married) so please skip if you think you'll be uncomfortable.

Summer of 2021 was unforgettable for Hyun Bin and Ye-Jin. He finished CA2 filming at the start of summer and her new drama was scheduled to start filming at the end of summer. They continued to fulfill CF commitments but effectively had most of the summer to themselves. They made up for the time they couldn't spend together, went on trips, spent time with family and friends and most significantly, planned for their wedding.

Mid June 2021, The First Day after CA2 Filming Ends

It was a lovely June morning and the streets were already bustling with activities. In contrast, the master bedroom in Podoville's penthouse was still shrouded in darkness.

Hyun Bin was sound asleep. Yesterday had been his last day of filming and the CA2 team had gone for celebratory drinks. It was past midnight when he returned home.

Ye-Jin, on the other hand, had woken up an hour ago. She had planned to surprise Hyun Bin with a sumptuous breakfast but it looked almost impossible now. Why? Well, it was really more Hyun Bin's fault than hers. Why again? The sleeping, and shirtless, Hyun Bin had been too much of a distraction. Even now, she was laying on her side, smiling dreamily as she admired him.

He was truly eye-candy! It was impossible to stop staring.

His chest rose and fell rhythmically, highlighting his well-defined pecs. She touched them lightly and a tingling warmth spread through her. The hard masculine strength they embodied was both heady and reassuring.

She ran her fingers along his broad and muscled shoulders. They were her personal shelter. She had rested her forehead or leaned her cheeks against them countless of times, taking refuge in the security they offered.

He unexpectedly stirred, drawing her eyes to his biceps. She swallowed as the sinewy muscles flexed. He's all man and hot!

Tearing her eyes away from his body, she focused on his face. In sharp contrast to his "hot" physique, his face was like a baby. In sleep, his usually angular and strong jawline were softened. His thick eyelashes gave him a guileless aura. His skin was soft and smooth. She has always been tickled by how this strapping and macho man had the skin of a baby. He was her baby, albeit a big baby.

Hyun Bin was very protective of her. Since they got together, she found herself having less and less to worry about. He took care of her day to day needs - nagged for her to eat and sleep well, grocery shopped, cooked and even cleaned the house. He made sure she was safe - from their home security, to her surroundings and even little things like making sure she walked on the inside when they were on the streets. Even when he was not physically with her, he took care of her. When she first returned to work, he made sure her co-workers took care of her. (A/N: Chapter 123) When he was in Jordan, he made sure she had the best security detail. (A/N: Chapter 131, 135) He took better care of her than she ever did herself. He made her feel safe.

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