Big Sister, Little Sister

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Jennie sighs in horror as her clingy, problematic, stupid little sister decides to bang into her private office without prior notice

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Jennie sighs in horror as her clingy, problematic, stupid little sister decides to bang into her private office without prior notice. Soon as she gets through the door, Lisa quickly lowers her left foot to the ground and turns herself towards Jennie's direction.

A devilish smile crawls all over her face as she sprints to hug her older sister. Jennie sighs again, trying her best to push her little sister aside but to no avail. Lisa is a lot stronger than she is so she finds herself surrendering completely to the idiot.


Lisa screams as she showers Jennie with tons of kisses. Jennie gags, pretending she is about to puke.

"EWW, LALISA. WHAT THE HELL WITH THE KISSES?" she complaints as she wipes away all the wet kisses from her cheeks.

Lisa smirks as she watches her sister. "Kisses from your Prince Charming"

Jennie rolls her eyes. "More like kisses from an ogre, I would say" and Lisa couldn't help but to smack her big sister by the arm and falls into a cute pout.

"Unnie, you are so mean to me" the little sister argues with a voice full of aegyo.
"And don't do that voice either" Jennie replies casually. "You know it drives me to the wall"

"Ahh, unnie. You barely went to Seoul for a few days and now you are back and act up all mean to me" Lisa sulks, crossing her arms together. Jennie doesn't seem to be bothered by the statement.

She knows her little sister too well. She is just jealous with the fact that Jennie is now married and has little time to spare with her than before.

"Is that jealousy in your voice, baby?"
"Yes, I am jealous" Lisa nods, still pouting. "You don't love me anymore since you got married"

Jennie knows very well how much Lisa's current statement starts to bother her so she pauses from her work and cuddles with her little sister instead. She gives Lisa a back hug and kisses the side of her head firmly.

"Now don't say that, baby. You know you are always my first ever person I'd stuck in love with"
"But it's true though" the little brat argues. "You love Jisoo now because she's your wife and I'm just your annoying little sister"

"Well, sometimes I find my annoying little sister to be more fun than Jisoo. And I love her for that"

Jennie says, trying to win Lisa back but to no avail. The brat sits on the chair before Jennie, still pouting.

"Baby, I promise I love you more than anything. More than Jisoo and my dumplings"

That makes Lisa laughs softly. Quickly, the brat turns to hug her sister bag. "I don't want to lose you, Unnie"

"Well, congratulations. Because you aren't going to lose me anytime soon" Jennie teases, rising to her feet as she drags Lisa by hand.

"I'm starting to get hungry with all this morning drama" Jennie laughs. "Do you want to hit the café?"

"Sure" Lisa mutters and together they escape the boring office and towards the elevator, already thinking of what to order once they get to the café down the street.

***** Dining at the cafe ******

Jennie settles in front of Lisa at the cafe. She has ordered a bowl of Kimchi Stew and a glass of orange juice. Lisa chooses for a medium steak and a cup of Mocha. They basically talk about everything; from Lisa's party life to Jennie's recent holiday in Seoul.

"I met a new girl, Unnie" Lisa beams as she mutters the fact to her sister who is blowing a spoonful of kimchi before directing it to her mouth.


"And I think she's like the one"
"The one what?" Jennie asks, frowning.
"You know .... " Lisa pauses as she grows shy out of blue. "Like you and Jisoo"

"What's like me and Jisoo?" Jennie asks again, not sure if she's following the conversation.

Lisa sighs as she slaps her forehead playfully. "Unnie, why are you so slow? I mean, she could be the one I'd like to marry"

"Whoaaa" Jennie acts like she couldn't contain the excitement for her sister before falling into a bitch attitude with a cold voice seconds later "you always said that anyway"

"Unnie, seriously you are so mean today"
"Baby, I'm just saying the truth. You said that when you met her" Jennie shuts her eyes, racking her brain for the name of her little sister's ex flame.

She seems to not remember since Lisa has got at least hundreds of exes and it makes Lisa undeniably happy somehow but then her eyes grow bigger than her sockets as she mutter the name with dumpling still in her mouth.

"Well, I was wrong back then. But I can really feel, like this girl I'm seeing right now. She's truly the one"

"You said the same thing too when you were seeing Taylor. Well, honestly I felt sad for her the most. You were hastily engaged that night, only to break it when the morning came"

Lisa gagged uncomfortably at such attack from Jennie. Her big sister knows her. No, she reads her too well that sometimes Lisa feels it's almost impossible to lie to Jennie.

"Are you done attacking me?"

Jennie laughs. "Not yet, baby. But yes, continue your story"

"Her name is Somi" Lisa says and just by the mention of the name, Jennie sees her little sister blushes. "She sounds pathetic and I'm completely uninterested in this matter"

"No, unnie please hear me up" Lisa pleads with her famous puppy eyes. Jennie wants to say no but that look has made her weak. "Fine" she rolls her eyes.

"Tell me"
"I met her at Allie's party. She's a singer and I don't know why but she makes me feel good about myself"

"Everything and everyone makes you feel good about yourself, young lady"

"Yeah, I know but Somi is different"

"Why the hell did she sound the same to me then?"

"Unnie, you're suck. You know that?"

"My pleasure" Jennie laughs. "Then, you in love?"

"I think I am. I want to marry her, Unnie"

Lisa's statement makes Jennie chokes on her food. As she coughs, she stares at her disbelievingly.

"Ok, I have a bad feeling about that to be honest" Jennie wipes her mouth with the napkin.

Her eyes are on her almost empty bowl before slowly getting on her little sister. "I don't think Mamma will approve of anything like that"

"That's why I need you to talk to Mamma" Lisa winks an eye and Jennie cannot help from hitting her on the arm. Lisa winches, a couple of profanities escape her throat.

"Why me?" she asks.
"You're mamma's favorite daughter. She will listen to you!"

"I'll see it to it" Jennie nods at last. "But I can't guarantee you the result"

"Alright" Lisa smiles, mouthing a thank you to her big sister before falling into a smile so wide she looks like a idiot that has been cursed.

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