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Lisa drags her feet as she walks behind her Mamma

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Lisa drags her feet as she walks behind her Mamma. Next to her, Jennie leans in to mumble one stupid joke that makes the brat smiles once her big sister pulls away.

But still, the smile doesn't quite reach Lisa's eyes. She is still sulking because her Mamma has insisted she joins the dinner with the Park alongside Jennie and Jisoo.

She is upset because she was supposed to hit the pub in celebration of her friend's birthday with her so called plus one, Somi but can't because she is stuck in this stupid, appreciation dinner hosted by the Park.

"God, I hate this" Lisa mumbles as she walks into the restaurant with the rest of her family. Jisoo flashes a smirk as she taps Lisa on the shoulder.

"If you want to annoy me, Unnie" Lisa rolls her eyes, giving out a warning to Jisoo. "I'm gonna punch you"

"I'm just going to ask if you observed the skies just now"


"You know why?"

"I don't know, unnie. Stop bugging me!"

"Because all the stars, they are in your eyes" and with that Jisoo leans in for a quick kiss. Lisa couldn't believe her ears.

Her sister - in - law always has her own way in cheering Lisa up. Out of blue, a smile occurs on Lisa's lips. This time, it feels natural, like always.

Next to Jisoo, Jennie mouths her wife a thank you. "You're welcome, wifey" Jisoo exclaims as she grabs Jennie by hand.


Chaeyoung takes another sip of wine as she listens to the conversation at the table. The former president is telling her parents of how much she adores Chaeyoung's work ethics.

"Gosh, she reminds me very much of my younger self" the former president chuckles. "I almost had no time for my family. Because I was so busy handling the group"

Chaeyoung smiles a little at that comment. In fact, everyone around her does, she notes except the girl who sits opposite her. Lisa seems to be in her own world. She hasn't met anyone's eyes since the beginning of the meal up till now. As Chaeyoung is studying the problematic figure, Lisa looks up sharp at her.

Shocked by the sudden glance, Chaeyoung accidentally spoils the front of her shirt with the content from her glass. She's about to use some profanities when her mum grabs her by the wrist, giving her a look.

"I'm sorry" she says, excusing herself to the washroom. Lisa lets out a small smile as she watches the tall girl rushed to the washroom. "What's wrong with that bitch?" She asks herself before crossing her cutlery on the plate.

"I'm sorry. But I need to go to the washroom. Will be right back"

Everyone nods at Lisa, before resuming their conversation again.

"Good God" Chaeyoung sighs as she tries to wipe away the stain of the red wine. "What was I thinking?"

"I'm not sure you are dumb or what but that stain is forever" Lisa says from behind as she reaches Chaeyoung. That blonde girl makes a face, totally displeased with Lisa's presence.

"Here" Lisa passes her a paper bag. "What's that?" Chaeyoung asks as she stares at Lisa. She doesn't trust the girl. Maybe this is another sick joke of hers.

"Joking. I really think you are not blind. So mind check it yourself?"

Chaeyoung stares at Lisa in disbelief. She feels the need to strangle that pretty face before her but then she keeps repeating no, afraid there would be too many eye witnesses. Grumpily, Chaeyoung snatches the paper bag and peeks into it.

It's a shirt. A black one with Céline written on it.

"A shirt?"
"Yes" Lisa mutters, washing her hands "I think you need it more than I do now. So, just wear it will you?"

"Thank you but no" Chaeyoung replies. She will not take this. She will in fact not taking anything that belongs to the young president. She hates her. She hates her so much.

"Welcome, but yes" Lisa crosses her arms. She is not sure why this Park is reluctant to take the stuff she gives her. So she stands there, wondering why as she feels Chaeyoung's eyes scanning her whole figure too.

"Just wear it, will you, Park?"
" I don't want, ok? My shirt is fine"
"Oh, you're killing me with your ugliness"!

Chaeyoung bites her lower lip. Normally, she doesn't care if anyone calls her ugly. But she's not sure why when the brat addresses her like that, something stings her heart.

"Change it, please for the sake of this boring dinner"

"Fine" Chaeyoung says as she shuffles into the one of the stalls in the washroom.

Minutes later, she comes out in Lisa's shirt. The brat beams a smile. Chaeyoung can feel her cheeks turning red just by looking at that smile.

"The color suits you" Lisa compliments. Chaeyoung stares at her wide eyes. "Oh, god. Did you eat something before you come in here? Why are you suddenly so kind?"

Lisa pouts and Chaeyoung feels her heart has just exploded. "I'm always this kind of you are nice to me"

"I am. I was nice from the beginning" Chaeyoung defends herself. She's not going to give in to whatever the brat is about to say.

"Fine. I know it's my fault. Anyway the shirt is to make up for my fucking behavior at the office today"

"What? If I may know?" Chaeyoung asks as she tugs a lost strand of her blonde hair behind her ear. She obviously knows what Lisa is saying but still, she wants to tease her.

"Yah, I think you also know"

"I do not, actually"

Lisa bites her lower lip. This girl is obviously trying to play her. But she's not in the mood to get angry or what so she explains the whole situation back to Chaeyoung. The blonde listens tentatively to the the best.

"Will you forgive me?" Lisa asks. There's a hope in her tone. Chaeyoung pauses for a moment, her eyes staring at Lisa's hand that's offering a handshake. She likes to make the brat waits. She's not sure why but she just enjoys seeing the brat in panic. She looks honestly more cute that way.

"Hello, anyone home??" Lisa asks as she waves her hand before Chaeyoung's face multiple times. Chaeyoung nods, slapping Lisa's hand before slowly reaching for her handshake.

"My name is Park Chaeyoung" she introduces herself, smiling.

"My name Lalisa Manoban"

And both of them fall into a complete silence soon after that, not knowing what's left to be said.

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