OWAM (2) Love

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Lisa sits in her office with something on her mind. Her pretty wife - the one she loves more than her own life. The dark haired is not sure of why she keeps feeling like she has lost Rosie even when she is practically there with her each night. But then, there's like this invisible barrier between them that Lisa feels making her feel weird whenever she tries to talk to the blonde.

Of course, the young president keeps telling herself that Rosie has not changed; that she is practically the one she was before and would forever remain the same just because she once promised Lisa she would. And Lisa blames it all on her; for being too busy with her work and her little daughter that she feels as if she is letting Rosie slips away.

Lisa must have been staring straight into the void longer than she initially wanted to that her eyes quickly turn wide when she feels a hand squeezes her shoulder lightly. Turning her head to the left, she spots a face of smiling Miyeon. "Hey" she greets, clearing her throat as she fixes the way she sits on the chair. "Hello, are you back now?" Miyeon teases as she puts down a heavy file on Lisa's desk. She's wearing a very sexy dress with a V neck that shows off her cleavage when she bows down. Lisa tries to pretend cool and blind to that. "Back where?" she asks, staring at Miyeon.

"You were positively daydreaming just now" a soft chuckle escapes Miyeon's mouth. "I was calling you for 5 minutes straight but you didn't bother to respond"

"Really?" Lisa immediately turns rosy. Clearly the Thai is very embarrassed to be caught in that state by her worker. "But it's alright" the standing brunette assures her. "We all have our moments like that. So, chill"

"I'm just a bit distracted" Lisa sighs as she draws her palms to her face. "I'm sorry, Miyeon"

"It's alright. Anyway, what's bothering you? You can always share it with me, you know. If that's alright with you"

Miyeon's request is polite and Lisa knows she loves her like a friend now. But still, Lisa is not comfortable to talk about her wife to random people, especially her ex - lover in the past. And probably the brunette understands what Lisa is trying to convey without ever asking again. Smiling appropriately, she bows her head down and excuses her existence from Lisa's office.

"Miyeon?" the Thai calls as the Korean is about to step out of the room. Miyeon turns around and locks her eyes on Lisa's. She loves Lisa's eyes. They are brown and warm and used to provide her with so much comfort in the past when they were a thing. But time changes and Miyeon is happy now to know her ex - girlfriend is happily married to a woman who truly loves her.

"Yes, Lisa?"

She arches an eyebrow, waiting for her command.

"Thank you" the Thai utters with all due respect.

Miyeon parts her lips to ask but something inside her deciphers the look Lisa wears in her eyes and slowly but surely, she nods with a brief smile.

"Won't you ask why?" Lisa seems startled to know that Miyeon won't ask her anything. She knows that girl likes the back of her hand and Miyeon is just never that accepting type. She always questions why but the girl surely surprises the dark haired today.

"Friends don't ask why, Lisa" she gazes at the young president before walking away.

Lisa doesn't know why, but surely the answer leaves her staring at the door slack - jawed.


"I got everything on your list"

Jisoo announces as she enters the sleek, grey interior office that belongs to Lisa. The dark haired nods her head gratefully as she is still having a conversation on the telephone.

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