OWAM (3) I got you

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"Jisoo?" Lisa clears her throat as she lets her fingers dance through her short hair. "I need to talk," she says again. Her voice is literally heavy with emotion and Jisoo immediately tells her a yes and asks her secretary to clear her schedule ahead. They both meet at the regular place they always hit whenever one of them is in deep shit and it doesn't help that Lisa literally looks like she has fucked up big time. Her hair is disheveled and her dark suit smells of cigarettes. Jisoo frowns worriedly as she studies her best friend.

"What's wrong?" she asks and Lisa remains silent. Jisoo sighs. This can never be good. If Lisa is like this, it would only mean one thing, that she must have done something so terrible that she has no nerve to stare into Jisoo's eyes and articulates it, fear if Jisoo would reprimand her for it. But this is a time where she needs no childish tantrum. She needs Lisa to speak up so she crosses her arms and lets her eyes devour Lisa, knowing exactly how it will affect the Thai.

"I hate it Jisoo"

Lisa chokes on her own sobs and Jisoo gulps. Does she cry? Fuck. What the hell did she do this time? Jisoo doesn't know unless Lisa opens up to her. So, she gives the woman time to recover from her sudden breakdown but Lisa never does so, Jisoo stretches her hands and squeezes Lisa's lightly. Just as an assurance that she is here to listen, that Lisa is not alone.

"What's wrong?" she asks again, this time softer and Lisa's shoulders tremble as another wave of emotion washes through her fragile state. Jisoo sighs but says nothing. "I fucked up"

"I know" the woman nods in agreement. "But tell me what you did. I'll try to fix it for you"

"Jisoo, I don't want to lose her"


"Rosie" Lisa cries. "And the girls. Please, I can't lose them"

"Lisa, what did you do actually?"

"Promise me you wouldn't let them walk away from me"

"I will" Jisoo looks into her best friend's eyes. The eyes that used to look so pretty and confident now look so small and so fragile and Jisoo couldn't help but wonder why.

"Lisa, tell me," she says. "Just tell me"

"I don't know how," the Thai says, shaking her head. "But it happened and I didn't mean it to happen. I love my wife, Jisoo. I would never do anything that will hurt her. Please, trust me"

"I trust you" the Korean replies. "Lisa, if you don't tell me, I can't help you"


"What, Lisa?"

"I slept with Suzy"

Lisa informs with a face full of regret. Soon as the confession is out of her throat, she breaks down again, heavily this time that even a shocked Jisoo has to step forward and holds her in place. "I betrayed her, Jisoo. I betrayed my vows. Our marriage. Fuck, I'm bad, Jisoo. I'm bad"

"Lisa, are you sure you slept with that whore?"

Jisoo interrogates as she blinks her eyes, trying to make sure she doesn't hear the wrong information. When Lisa doesn't reply but only crying, Jisoo knows she's not dreaming. She knows she's not supposed to be angry but to pick Lisa's side but she just can't. She balls her fists and stares at Lisa, flaring her nostrils.

"Fuck you, Lisa! What have you done? Wasn't Roseanne enough for you?"

"I didn't know how it happened!" Lisa cries. "But it happened and ..."

"You don't know how it happened?" the Korean yells at her before laughing sarcastically. "Just wait until Jennie hears this. She's gonna be real mad, Lisa"

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