Jisoo (Part 3

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Lisa's POV

I fidget the key in my hand. My chest is rising up and down as I eye the number of floor the elevator is currently at.




The door springs open and I quickly walk towards the luxury suite at the end of the floor. I rap the door a few times before hearing a shuffling sound towards the door. The knob twists and her face greets me.

Not with a smile.

But puffy eyes.

And red, tears stained cheeks.

She must have been crying all night.

I know she must.

"I hope you come alone" Jisoo reminds as I shut the door behind us and follow her towards the living hall.

She really has a luxury suite. The floor is all Versace with grey interior and brown, leathered couch.

She has a picture of their family hung on the wall; the one probably taken a few weeks ago.

"Surely I am" I say as I settle my Birkin on top of her dining table. "But I bring you some drinks and chicken, in case you're starving"

That lights Jisoo's face.

"You always know me, Limario"

"Sure thing" I say back. "But can you just explain what's happening? Like what the fuck is really happening"

"Jennie chased me away" Jisoo says quietly.

"Yeah, why?" I ask.

"Haven't you seen the picture?"

I nod. It's just a picture. Nothing much.

"I kissed someone else"

"So?" I ask again, unable to find the correlation between the picture and Jennie's rage.

"Are you dumb? Jennie thought I was cheating on her because of that picture"

"Well, I never thought I would say this" I say as I sink to the place next to Jisoo on the couch. "But unnie is undeniably stupid too"

"Don't you dare talking about Jen like that in front of me" Jisoo hits my arm. "She's my wife, okay?"

"Yeah I know" I push her back. "But did unnie give you a chance to explain yourself?"

Jisoo shakes her head. "I guess she was pretty mad at the moment"

"Did you really kiss her on purpose, Jisoo?" I ask, sounding stern out of blue. Jisoo looks at me, smirking painfully.

"You knew how much I have always loved Jennie from when we were kids. What makes you think I'd easily kiss someone else that's not her?"

"Good point" I nod. "But you didn't answer my question yet"

"I didn't fucking kiss her. She kissed me first and I resisted. I pushed her away"

"But you didn't fire her after that incident" I say. Jisoo looks at me, half scowling.

"It was because she apologized. And I didn't want to make things worse. So, I accepted her apology"

"God, Unnie. You're too kind. And now look at what your kindness has put you into"

"I swear I don't know what to do, Lisa" Jisoo unnie says at last, sobbing like a little child. "I tried to call her but she blocked my number. I guess we have reached the end of us"

"Nonsense" I wipe the thought off her mind.

"I'll talk to Jennie unnie later. Don't you worry" I tap her thigh. Jisoo looks at me, smiling gratefully.


"Come on, unnie. Just be rational"

I grab her hand when she isn't looking, hoping that will draw her attention to our conversation. But she quickly dismisses me with her glance.

"I don't want to talk to you, honey" she says as she takes a document from a pile before her and pretends like she's scanning it.

"But it's Jisoo we are talking about" I sink to the chair before her desk and she freezes. Suddenly, pain is all over her face.

"I know" she vomits the words painfully.

"That's why I prefer we don't talk about it. I fear I would break again"

"But I knew what happened, unnie. I knew that kiss wasn't planned" I say again, trying to highlight the whole situation to Jennie but I guess Jisoo is right. She's still hopping about everything. She won't probably listen now.

"Look" I say as I stand on my feet.

"I'm not trying to ask you to forgive her. I know that'd be damn hard. But I'm just asking you to give her a chance of explaining it to you"

And with that, I walk away from her office, hoping she'd give Jisoo another chance to make things alright again.

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