OWAM (2) Be Mine

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Seoul. South Korea

Park Chaeyoung" I mention  her full Korean name and every head in the room is drawn to us. 

"When you left me that day" I say, my eyes holding mine. "I felt like something really had crushed my heart"

"I was mad, Park Chaeyoung. Because I let you walked away from me that fucking day"

"That I let your hand slipped off mine when I promised to hold you"

"That I let you cried yourself to sleep each night, thinking that you weren't enough for me"

"That I let you thought for one second that, I'd be happier without you"

"That I let us gone for a couple of months when really, I should be the one to fight for us"

"I admit that I was weak, Park Chaeyoung. For taking so much time to find my home back"

"For being so fucking stupid to actually realize that you are really the one for me"

"And for being too dumb stupid to never said it you; that you above all people, matter more to me that you can ever imagine"

"Lili" she manages to utter my name but I shake my head twice. "Let me speak" I say and she nods. 

"I love you, Park Chaeyoung. I know I have said it a million times. I know you are getting tired on hearing it. I know you are even getting tired of us. But please, Park Chaeyoung. Please don't give up on me. Don't give up on us"

"I know we are always meant to be. And if you ask why, I know I might not be able to say it because words wouldn't do justice on how much I truly love you"

"But let it be known to you that I have never ever been in love with people before you. They were my flings but you are my forever, Park Chaeyoung"

"You are my life. My breath. My essence of existence on Earth in the first place. And I know I am such a jerk at times but I hope you can marry all of me because I am ready to marry all of you. Even though you can be really clingy and horny at times, but I would still accept you in my heart"

"I love you so much, Park Chaeyoung that these past few months when you left, I had thought of nothing but jumping into the unknown, because the pain of not having you was greater than the pain of taking my own life"

"And I prayed and prayed to God each day, that I wouldn't ask for anything else if He let me see you again. And He did. He made us crossed path again and I couldn't really articulate how happy I was that day when you decided to jump over me at the crosswalk"

"I had never been that happier in my life before, Park Chaeyoung" she says as she drops to one knee and props open a black, velvety box before my eyes, revealing a nicely cut diamond ring.

Jennie unnie already has tears in her eyes. Her hands are wrapped around Jisoo's waist. 

"And I know that when we first married, I didn't have the chance to propose you like you deserve so I hope I'm not late enough when I decide to fall on one knee today, before you, to ask for your heart, you soul, your existence, your time and your love; to all be mine"

"Because every inch of me, Park Chaeyoung - has always been yours"

Rosie is  kind of crying already when I say that. 

"And I know you believe in forever, Park Chaeyoung. But let me offer you an always"

"Because an always works better than a forever. Because an always means to be there for one another when we don't want it"

"And I want it to happen. I want it to be able to be with you, every step of the journey"

"And to always love you no matter what"

"So, will you, Park Chaeyoung"

"The queen of my heart takes your throne again, somewhere in the kingdom of my heart"

"For it feels weak to rule alone, without a queen to squeeze your hand and to whisper"

"Of which path to take, to bring me home"

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