Apples and Oranges

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Lisa sits on her chair in the office, throwing a baseball against the wall. She has just finished a meeting with Lee Company. It was a breeze compared to what she had thought earlier. No bickering, no bad comment, just them completely agreeing to all terms Lisa and her secretary have come out with.

Now she's waiting for the next meeting.
The meeting with the Park Company.

Her phone buzzes as she throws the ball against the wall, caring less to read the notification. As she is soaked into her own world, a knock on the door simply goes unnoticed and a loud scream is the only sound that helps bringing Lisa back to the reality.

She's not sure if she has known the woman. Or seen her. But she seems familiar somehow to Lisa.

The tall woman apparently on the floor, her left hand is pressed against her right cheek. Lisa stares at her questioningly. "Excuse me, Miss. But why are you sitting on the floor. You can sit here on the chair"

The woman stares at Lisa incredulously. If look kills, Lisa is sure she would be killed right away. "What did you ask me?" the blonde woman asks, still cupping her right cheek with her left hand.

"Oh, so aside from sitting on the floor purposely, you are also deaf?"

"I DIDN'T SIT ON THE FLOOR PURPOSELY" Chaeyoung yells as she throws the files she's carrying with her on Lisa's desk. The president says nothing, only eyeing the blonde's behavior.

"You threw the ball on my cheek, you stupid asshole. That's why I'm on the floor"

Her explanation makes Lisa eyeing the floor, where she catches her baseball lying flat on the floor. She must have hit the blonde while she was daydreaming, bouncing the wall aimlessly a few seconds ago. But still, the blonde's behavior has slightly annoyed Lisa.

"You are dismissed" the young president says as she folds her arms, arching an eyebrow.

"What?" Chaeyoung asks. "What do you mean?"

"I don't want to see you anymore or having to deal with your nasty, bankrupt company"

"Hey, we are nowhere near bankruptcy" the blonde retorts. She is starting to get her blood boils by Lisa's action.

"Oh yeah? Then what the fuck you are still here today? Pleading for a fund from our company? You should get on your ass now. I don't have time for this fucking session"

"You know what?" Chaeyoung replies as she collects all the files back. "You're so suck. I'm not sure why former president Manoban decided to hire you in her place. YOU'RE a total asshole"

"Thank you for such a thoughtful and cute compliment" Lisa fires as she smirks evilly. "Please leave"

Chaeyoung couldn't believe the girl who is sitting before her. She seems attractive to her eyes but her attitude definitely not one Chaeyoung would like. Stomping through the door, Chaeyoung bumps into Jennie at the hallway. She has known that girl for years. In fact, Jennie was her senior in Wharton when they were both doing their Degree.

"Vice President Kim" Chaeyoung greets politely as she nods her head. Jennie laughs lightly before pushing Chaeyoung into her small hug. "Don't have to be so formal, Chae" the cat eyed lady says. Chaeyoung nods, half smiling before Jennie spots the messed up files in Chaeyoung's hands.

"Why are the files upside down?"
"Oh, nothing Unnie. I dropped them just now"

The tall girl lies. In fact, she doesn't even know what to tell Jennie. Lisa is her little sister and Chaeyoung knows damn well that Jennie would do anything to protect her little one. Chaeyoung knows because she has seen it before. The look on Jennie's face during dinner as the little one was being given a non direct tell off from their Mamma.

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