Big Sister, Little Sister (Part 2)

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Her little sister wears a blue jeans and a black t-shirt

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Her little sister wears a blue jeans and a black t-shirt. A beanie covers the hair she has recently dyed. Jennie looks at her, wondering if it's the right time to have a sister talk with Lisa. Jisoo is glued to the front of their tv, addicted badly to the PS5 she has just purchased a day after Lisa with Jennie's permission, of course.

The maid comes and clean the table, bringing along a bottle of unopened Champagne. She smiles briefly before handling the bottle to Jennie and excuses herself. Lisa is still on her phone when her sister calls, asking for her glass.

"Ughh, Unnie. I don't want to drink tonight. I have a meeting tomorrow with the board of directors"

"Chillax, baby sister. It's just Champagne"

"Yeah. It's just Champagne" Lisa rolls her eyes, mimicking her big sister. "Last time I was knocked out for a day and a half after chugging 2 bottles of Champagne"

"Your and your stupidity" Jennie mutters, raising a toast, "have never failed to amuse me"

Lisa grins, taking a sip before grabbing her phone again. Jennie glares at her for a second before clearing her throat and asks Jisoo if she has put on her headphone correctly.

"I've, my dear" Jisoo explains as she is battling some weird looking alien on the screen. "Don't worry. Even if I don't, I wouldn't want to participate in your weird, sisterly conversation"

"Honey" Jennie calls affectionately. "One more stupid thought from your throat and you're sleeping outside for the rest of the week!"

Jisoo smirks, before putting in her focus in fighting the alien again. Next to Jennie, Lisa puts her phone down, sipping the drink and stares at her sister again.

"What's up?" The young president asks. "You look different"

"Nothing" Jennie laughs. "I just want to talk"

"Omg!" Lisa yells in excitement. "Are you fucking pregnant?"


Jennie yells, shutting the thought off Lisa's mind.

"Ok that's boring. What then? U are getting a divorce from that crackhead?"

"What is fucking wrong with your brain?" Jennie scolds as she strangles Lisa with her bare hands.

Lisa yells playfully, before ending pulling Jennie into her tight hug.

"I miss you so much, Unnie"

"You are so dramatic, you know" Jennie says from inside the hug. She doesn't deny the embrace today because it's simply one of the things she misses from her little sister.

"I know" Lisa nods. "I have always been the dramatic Manoban since you gotta be the best one" Lisa winks and Jennie shrugs her shoulders proudly. "Well, thank you. That's a great compliment coming from the president herself"

Lisa laughs, taking another sip of the champagne.

"I just want to know" Jennie starts, making sure all of her words are properly arranged. She doesn't want to anger her little sister. Everyone knows damn well Lisa isn't as nice as she is now when she lets her emotion takes over.

"Your marriage. With ...." Jennie trails off, not sure if she should mentions Chaeyoung's name.
"Marry who?"

That's the only respond from Lisa. Honestly, that's not the respond Jennie hopes to hear from her little baby.

"Come one, baby. What's wrong? You can tell me, you know?"

"I don't know. I love someone else, Unnie. And you know that too. I don't want to jump into this marriage with her but knowing damn well I won't do her justice"

"Lisa, let's just accept that you are not that serious with that singer" Jennie scowls. "She's just a distraction, okay? Chaeyoung is the real prize. And you are just a step closer to win her"

"No, actually to me it's the opposite. Somi is the real prize and Chaeyoung is just a distraction. But I'm not that stupid, Unnie. I want Somi so much but I don't want to hurt Chae either"

"So, what are you planning to do?" Jennie gives up.

Lisa is so hard to change when she is deeply in love with someone.

"I want to tell her, before we get married"

"Tell her what?"

"About Somi and I"

Jennie cannot help from laughing at that idea. She must has laughed so hard that she can feel her stomach hurts.

"Unnie, I'm serious"

"Lisa, if I was to get married and then my future partner comes up to me and say , hey I know we are going to get married and spend our lives together and whatnot, I'm so happy for that but by the way this is my lover and I hope you can accept her like I accept you, hell yeah I would just smack the shit outta that partner and her mistress"

"But I can't lie to her either" Lisa snorts, taking a other sip of the drink.

"I don't ask you to lie to her" Jennie explains, holding Lisa by her shoulder. "I'm asking you to reevaluate your choice. You can't have two of them, Lisa. I'm sorry. Pick one. Pick one that will always always always loves you no matter what"

"Yes, kiddo" Jisoo nods, settling next to Lisa. "Hey, I say no eavesdropping. This is between me and my little sister" Jennie pouts, crossing her arms.

"Jendeukie, this baby is also like my little sister. I care for her as much as I care for you. Allow me to give my piece of mind in this matter"

"Yah, Unnie. What is happening to your wife?" Lisa teases. "I'm getting goosebumps. Look. What, did something possess you?"

"Stupid kid. Anyway, Jennie is right. You have to really choose one that be there for you no matter what"

"I said to you already. I'm so sure it's Somi"

"Then how about Chaeyoung?" Both Jennie and Jisoo ask in unison.

Lisa pauses, thinking for a moment. That blonde, Lisa doesn't hate her. She just doesn't like her. But she's sure they both can be friends.

"She can be my friend"

Jisoo draws her palm to her temple. Jennie lets out a heavy sigh.

"It's your life, baby" Jisoo says. "But as your unnies, we will always remind you to pick one that makes you the happiest. And if being friend with Chaeyoung is all that you want, then it's up to you"

Lisa nods. She knows what she wants. That's just the way she truly is. Slowly, she gulps the last content of the champagne and excuses herself from Jennie's house.

"I'm worried" Jennie admits as her little sister is gone. "Me too" Jisoo says. "But it's her life anyway".

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