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Lisa's POV

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Lisa's POV

We made love.

God, we really did.

And it was sincerely the best love I ever made with someone.

I am still stroking her hair when she nudges her head closer to my chest, hugging me tightly.

"Lili" she calls weakly.

"Thank you" she mutter cutely.


"That's the best sex I have had in my life"

Her confession makes me smile. "Well, it's easy to appear good to someone for their first time" I tell and she looks at me with her loving eyes. Something pops in those beautiful eyes when I look carefully.

A worry?

"Boo, what's wrong?"

"Nothing" she lies, looking away.

But I don't believe her. Slowly, I cup her cheeks with hands, staring right into her eyes.

"Are you worry?"

She nods, crying slightly.

"Ok, why are you crying? You are making me anxious, Rosie"

"I'm scared. What if you leave me after this is over"


She points to our joint bodies. I let out a gag and she slaps me hard on the shoulder.

"Why do you have to laugh at unnecessary time?"

"I'm sorry, I can't help it"

"I'm serious, Lili. We have just fucked. I am insecure"

"Good thing, boo. Your wife doesn't plan on leaving you. Or sleeping with any beautiful model"

"Can I trust her?" Rosie's cheeks grow red as she stimulates me again with her lips on my cheek. I pant, tightening my hold around her waist.

"Sure. She never lies, though"

"I don't want to sound horny or what" Rosie mutters, not so sheepish anymore. "But can we fuck again?"

"We have done 3 times from afternoon"


"Fine. Just don't break my back. I need to attend my office"

Rosie nods as we get lost in more kisses.

Chaeyoung's POV

I wake up in the middle of the night; cold and shivering mainly because I'm in my birthday suit. As I strech my body, my hand collides with Lisa's wrist. Lucky me, she remains asleep.

My baby is so pretty when she sleeps. Her face looks so calm and she seems so peaceful. I find myself running my fingers lightly against her features; her jawline, her nose, her eyes before ending on her lips that I kissed many times a few hours ago when we made love.

The cold wind rushes against my bare skin again; making me slightly shivers.

Quickly, before she ever realises of me leaving her side, I hurry to the wardrobe with blanket wrapped neatly around my figure and rummage for a sweater and a pair of shorts.

I manage to find the shorts but I can't find my sweater. So, I take hers instead.

"Rosie?" a voice calls for me in the dark. I struggle to put on the sweatshirt before running back to her on the bed. She herself is in one of her sweaters, she must have put it one before she went to sleep.

"Coming, baby" I say as I fit into her arms again. She turns into her side, her arms around me, our legs intertwined under the duvet cover.

"Where were you?" she asks sleepily as she kisses my temple lightly. I muster a small smile before leaning in to rest my face against her chest. "I put on your sweatshirt" I say. "Because it's cold and I'm freezing"

"Ok" she hugs me tighter. It has been one cold night and I am pretty sure that everything out there is freezing. But here on the bed, Lisa warmths me with her warmth. And I love it.

"Baby, are you asleep?" I ask in a whisper tone, not wanting to startle her if she is asleep.

"Kinda" she mutters seconds later. "I've been tired"

"Is it because of me?"I guess.

"No, boo. It's just that I'm tired. No reason at all"

I smile. She always knows how to comfort me, so I fit myself tighter against her.

"Stop arousing me" she jokes sluggishly. Even in the dark, her smile glows.

I smack her lovingly. She chuckles.

"I just love to be in your arms, baby" I say to her tenderly as I start to drift off.

"And why is that?" Lisa wonders as she caresses my back with her fingers.

If hours ago, I found myself flinched at such gesture, I am loving it now.

"Because you feel like home" I mutter.

"Then you are home, Rosie" she says, matter of fact.

"Yes, I am home"

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