OWAM (2) I Found You

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*Might cry/might not*

"No, stupid. She's not home since afternoon" Jisoo scolds as she is on the phone with Seulgi. Three of them have agreed to hit the pun tonight to discuss about certain things but it seems like fate hates their plan that it abducts Lisa away.

Jennie looks at Jisoo who seems worried like hell. Frowning, she throws a pillow at her wife. "Is everything okay?" She mouths and Jisoo nods as she puts down her phone back. Seulgi has promised to call her back as she's going to ring Lisa one more time.

"It's Lisa"

Jisoo mutters as she hugs Jennie on the bed. "Yeah, I think you told me you are going to go to the club with her and Seulgi" the petite woman says as she keeps her eyes on the screen, watching Netflix.

"Why are you still here then?"

Jennie asks back as she pauses the show. "Lisa's not home yet" Jisoo mutters.

"She might already be there at the club" Jennie says casually.

"But she told Seulgi she'd go with me"

"Jisoo, we all know Lisa. Probably she's already half drunk there at the club while you two weiners are still here looking for her"

"I bet you are right" the Korean finally says as she kisses Jennie on her cheek. "See you later"

"Just remember, don't let Lisa drink too much"

"Got that, honey. I love you"

Jisoo walks out of her penthouse with three of her bodyguards following her. As she gets into the elevator, she texts Seulgi.

Jisoo: Go to the club. I'm omw
Seulgi: Lisa?
Jisoo: Probably already there
Seulgi: K. See u


Jisoo and Seulgi dive in through the crowd until they see the dark haired, bob cut Thai sits alone by the bar. A glass of unfinished Vodka in one hand.

"Hey, Limario" Jisoo taps her back as she climbs on the stool. "What the fuck? You didn't wait for us!"

"Yeah" Seulgi nods. "You were supposed to wait you know, you motherfucker"

They have been teasing her for a while until Lisa lifts her face from her arm and both of the women see the red, puffy eyes and tears streaked cheeks.

"Hey, are you okay?" Jisoo jumps into her caring character. She holds the Thai carefully in her arms "Talk to me, Lisa"

"It's gone, Jisoo. It's gone. I'm done. I can't do this anymore"

"Hey, what are you mumbling about?" Seulgi asks cautiously.


"Wait, what?" Jisoo's eyes grow wide. "You met him? When?"

"It doesn't matter now" Lisa cries. "It's true. Rosie just doesn't love me anymore"

"Hey, Lisa. Listen up. Listen up" Jisoo taps both her cheeks but the drunk Thai is heavily soaked in her own emotion that she pushes though both of the Korean and heads straight towards the exit of the club.

"Lisa! Wait up! Hey!"

Lisa runs across the road. She ignores the honks and yelling she gets. She is just upset. Really really upset.

How can Rosie not happy with her when all she offers the blonde with is her love?

Lisa sprints fast as she can. She doesn't care where she stops. She just wants to keep running.

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