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Chaeyoung's POV

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Chaeyoung's POV

11 hours finally passed and the flight safely landed in Seoul. Next to me, Lisa is still sleeping. I don't have a heart to wake her up but then I still do. Quietly, I lean in, caressing her cheek with my thumb.

She opens her eyes slowly, a cheeky smirk lights up her face as she sees me first thing.

"Morning, Rosie" she says and my heart freezes.

Her raspy voice, it turns me on for a second. Slowly, I feel my face getting hot with this weird emotion so I turn away, clearing my throat before tilting my head to meet her gaze quickly.

"We've arrived"

"Seoul?" she guesses and I nod.

"Okay, now we are back in this gaping wound of a country"

I smack her arm. She winces.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing" Lisa tells as she stretches herself on the seat. "Ugh, my whole body is aching now, Rosie"

I stare at her for a moment. She looks at me back. I suddenly know that side of her is back.

The annoying president.

"Fine. Let's go now" I say to her when it's our turn to leave the plane. I don't wait for her. I just walk at my own pace until we reach the arrival gate.

Behind me, Lisa is checking on her phone. She catches me after a short conversation and grabs my hand, intertwining them and drag me behind her heel.

"There" she points at the black van that has been waiting for us. It has Manoban Group symbol on it's front door.

"Your family has a hotel?"

Lisa stares at me incredulously. "Yeah?" she replies. "What's weird in that?"

"I don't know" I say. "I mean, I thought you were only in the import, export thingy, you know"

"Well, we have a shitload of other ventures than that" Lisa corrects me as we reach the van.

A man smiles at both of us as he clicks open the room. I take the seat next to the window in the van. Lisa gets into seconds later, still clinging to her phone as she falls next to me.

"To the hotel, ma'am?" the man asks.

"Unless you have something else better than that" Lisa snaps sharply. I look at her disapprovingly before hurry to mend her words.

"I'm sorry, my ...."

I fall into a complete silence. I don't know what to address Lisa. Of course she is my legally wed wife but yeah, I am not sure if she likes that term or what.

My lips are dried as I watch her staring at me.

"My wife" she says, firmly as she buckles herself up. I do the same thing too.

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