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Chaeyoung's POV

I thought I would have to argue with her about me taking the bed and she taking the couch but soon as I step into the room, I see her sleeping on the couch in the same clothes  that she wore when she was in a feud with Jennie not a while ago.

Her feet dangle over the sofa, sneakers are still wrapped around them. For a moment, I feel like going over there and take off the sneakers for her.

But then, I remember what happened during our honeymoon, how Lisa simply betrayed me by fucking her girlfriend when she should spent the entire vacation with me and how their relationship has caught public's attention as pictures of them kissing intimately have been plastered on front pages of every national newspapers.

No, Chaeyoung. You are not that stupid. Stop falling for Lisa. She won't set her eyes on you. You might be her wife, but her heart beats for someone else. And that someone is not you.

I let out a heavy sight and hurry to my bed. I need to sleep. I need to fucking sleep. Or otherwise I'll find myself running for her again.


I wake up to find the couch empty. As I exhale, the bathroom door squeaks open, revealing super fucking attractive Lisa with glistening hair in blue bathrobe walking pass the bed, throwing a smile as she sees me with jaws breaking apart.

"Morning, Rosie Posie"

My lips start moving to answer her question. But then I remember that we are not on talking term. So, I brush off her question and grab my towel from the wardrobe and sprint to the bathroom.

She must think I'm weird.

Lisa's POV

She sits on the bed when I walk out of the bathroom. I'm not sure what startles the life out of her but she has her jaws break apart.

I pop her a smile and she stares at me for merely a second before deciding it's time to ignore me again and hurry to grab her towel before jumping to the bathroom.

She's weird.

But in a good way.

After putting on my dress  for office, I wait for her on the couch, trying to go through my sets of apologies I have drafted in my mind for her.

For some reasons, I feel so desperate for her to forgive me. I ruined our honeymoon and I know it's her right to get angry. But I don't want her to hate me.

She walks out of the bathroom 20 mins later

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She walks out of the bathroom 20 mins later. Her blonde hair is beautifully up in a messy bun. She looks as fresh as fresh could ever be.

Our eyes meet when she turns her head randomly towards the bed. She seems a little bit shocked to see me still in the room.

I freeze. My voice is trapped within my throat. My hands are trembling as her eyes meet mine and she arches one of her eyebrows high, questioning my existence.

"I thought you were gone" she says. Flat and simple.

"Umm, no. I left something" I lie. Well, I curse myself for it.

"Then, take it" she says, folding her arms. "And leave because I'm gonna get ready for office"

I open my mouth, ready to speak but then she looks at me again and I quickly nod, grabbing whatever my hand can touch and trying to walk away without looking fucking awkward.

"You're going for a sleepover?" Rosie asks, looking skeptical.

"What? No. The office of course"

"What's the blanket for then?"

I look down to my hand. Oh, I'm clutching to my microfiber blanket.

Stupid me. Pabo Lisa.

"Hello, are you there?"

"Oh, yeah. The office is cold nowadays" I flash a smile and she rolls her eyes before turning her back against me, her hand begins rummaging the wardrobe.

"Can you please go out, Lisa? I still hate you. And I don't want to be in the same room with you"

"That's the thing, Rosie. Actually I'm going to ...."

She stops, her eyes are really on me. I can feel she starts to get very annoying of me and that's not good for my own safety so I let out an awkward smile before scooting to the exit.

I shut the door, cursing myself for not being brave enough to say sorry.

"Fuck, Lisa. Just apologize. What's so hard about that?"

"You know, you're totally an asshole. Just say you're sorry and get out"

I am in the mid of contemplating my choices when suddenly the door springs open revealing Rosie in full make up and pretty dress.

For a moment, I think I blush there.
For a moment, I think I skip my breath.
It's weird. I have never felt the same with Somi. Or anyone else that I dated before.

She makes my heart buzzing like crazy.
What the hell has she done to me?

"Seriously, what the hell Lisa? You keep ambushing me like this,  this morning" Rosie yells as she pushes me to the side and descends the stairs.

"No, I'm actually about to go"

"Yeah, you told me the same shit an hour ago"

She reaches the hall when I run after her, smiling like an idiot.

"What the fuck that you want actually?" she asks. Truth be told, I don't even know also.

Oh, maybe I can tell her about what's going on between me and Somi. The coverage of our kiss while in Seoul. And yeah, the hickey too.

But that'd be bad choice, right?

"Nothing. Just drive carefully okay, Rosie?"

Rosie narrows her eyes at me, before getting into her BMW and drives away.

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