The Wake Up Call

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Lisa's POV

I wake up to my phone ringing like crazy. My head is still throbbing from bottles of Henny from last night. As I move my body an inch closer to the nightstand, I grab the little device and slide the screen to answer.

"My deepest apology" the voice says.

"What the fuck?" I scold. "Just jump to the point"

"Umm...alright" the voice mumbles. "I will play you the voicemail"

I roll my eyes and take a deep breath. What time is it now anyway? It seems dark from the window.

"Hello, this is Vice President Jennie Kim speaking" Jennie's voice echoes on the phone. "I would like to request President Lalisa Manoban to be back in Paris as soon as possible".

"That's it?" I wonder, yawning. "Yes, Ma'am"

"Alright. Meet me in the lobby in 1 hour. I need to pack"



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Chaeyoung's POV

I have not talked to Lisa ever since our midnight feud in Korea. In fact, I am not really in the mood to talk about my wife to anyone else, including Jennie Unnie or Jisoo Unnie.

I know they are also dealing with lots of things at the moment, so I choose to ignore my problem and just focus on my own career. Things would be better that way.

As I walk out of the bathroom in my bathrobe, the phone rings and I hurry to pick it up.

"Good morning, Mrs. Manoban" the butler greets me warmly.

"It's Park" I say, pressing my lips together, trying to not get nervous.

"Pardon, Mrs. Manoban?"

"Call me Miss. Park. Please" I demand.

"Alright. My apology. Your dinner is done. Do you want to dine at the dining hall, or you would like to have a private dinner at your room?"

"Dining hall sounds good"

"Alright. Thank you, Miss Park"


I put on my comfy dress and start to descend the stairs. I stop automatically when I see Jisoo Unnie sitting all by herself with a phone in hand in the lavish living hall. 

She is wearing a black dress and her face seems weary. She must have come back from her office.

"Hi, Unnie" I greet, leaning in to brush a kiss on her cheek.

She seems startled at first but then settles on a warm smile.

"I thought you were out" she begins.

"Oh, I was in my room, actually. Are you going to have your dinner here?"

"Actually, yes" Jisoo Unnie nods. "Jennie is out picking Lisa so she asks me to join you for dinner since Mamma is still in Milan"

"Picking up Lisa?" I frown. So, the brat is back?

God, you gotta be kidding me.

"Yeah. She's back in town" Jisoo Unnie jokes as she grabs my hand and walks towards the dining hall. We are seated opposite one another when she asks me another question that makes me feel as if there is a lump in my throat.

"Your wife didn't tell you? Oh, I forgot. You don't talk to one another"

"Yep" I say. "Why didn't you follow Jennie Unnie?"

"Oh, I wouldn't want to risk my life. Anyway, Jennie sure wants to have some big sister, little sister meeting"

"Some what?" I look at her.

"Oh, Jennie and Lisa always have little meetings. Normally, after the brat creates a problem and Jennie is expected to clean after the mess"

"Oh, I didn't know that"

"But don't worry, Chae" Jisoo Unnie smiles. She is pretty and kind; maybe that's what attracts Jennie Unnie the most.

"Things will work out. Slow. But they will"

"What if they don't, Unnie?"

"Then we kill, Lisa" she jokes, making me laugh so hard, tears in my eyes. 

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