My Rosie

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Lisa's POV




I poke her left cheek with my finger. But still, she remains motionless. 

"Baby, you know what? I'm not gonna stop poking your cheek until you give me some attention" I demand as I keep poking her cheek.

She groans back seconds later, turning her face to stare at me. 

And God, let me just die.

Her beauty, I can't. 

She has a sleeping streak on her right cheek which she had fallen asleep on the entire night. But gosh, that makes her looks even hotter.

"What?" she whines. "What do you want?"

"Kiss" I pout. "I want kiss"

"Nooo" she hollers before dragging a blanket over her face. 

I pull the blanket down. "Why?"

"I might have my morning breath right now. And I don't want to poison you"

"Nooo, let me smell it" I say, taking a deep breath at the small opening of her lips.

She winches, pushing me off. "You smell like strawberry, baby! Just like what I love"

"Ugh, can you stop being so adorable for a minute?" she sighs as she turns her front towards me completely. "Come here and get the kiss you want  so badly" she invites and I launch my hungry lips against her quickly. 

We kiss for a moment before she pulls away when I try to deepen it, pressing her lips together. 

"We are not making out now" she clears her throat as she pulls me next to her on the queen size bed. "I'm still sore from last night on the couch"

"Oh, okay" I peck her cheek instead and she lets me. Her arms are around my waist. 


"Hmmm?" she hums, eyes closed.

"Your hair is so soft" I entangle her blonde flock between my fingers.


"But your lips are softer" I comment.


"But I like your eyes better. They make me feel calm"

"Ok, Lili. Enough of this morning flatteries. I'm so sleepy right now. Can we get to sleep now?"

"Actually you can" I kiss her chin which makes she opens her eyes lazily, frowning. "Why can't you?"

"I actually have somewhere to go" I say as she grabs my wrist so quickly that I almost die out of heart attack. Studying my watch, she gives me that curious look.

"At 6 in the morning?" she stares coldly. 


"No" she wraps me tighter against her figure. "I won't let you go"

"I'll be back soon" I kiss the side of her head when we are locked inside the hug she initiates.

"Don't worry, baby"

"No" her voice is firm, marking no more negotiation.

"I have to go" I tell her again, trying to make use of my morning deep voice. She stares at me with that same eyes that always make my soul melts.

"No! I'm not letting you go! It's too early to get out of bed" she whines and I can't help from letting my lips turn into a smirk.

"And you say I'm the clingy one"

Duh, she throws me a small pillow straight on my face.

"You deserve that, you know"

I laugh.

"No, seriously. I won't be long" I say, kissing her long and hard.

"I wanna come with you" she plays with my hair in which I shake my head.

"Stay here. You're gonna get bored if you come with me"

"No, I won't"

"Yes you are" I nod, raising a palm in the air. "And that's the end of this conversation"

"You're so annoying" she utters before flipping to her side, pulling a pillow to cover her face.

"Seriously, baby?" I scowl. "You can't be crying" I remove the pillow and see droplets of tears on her cheeks.

"OH MY GAWD YOU ARE CRYING" I cover my mouth with my own palm before hurrying to wipe her tears with my hands.

"Baby, please don't cry" I plead, pushing her into my embrace.

"Baby" I say again as I peck her lips multiple times, my hands rubbing her exposed torso.

"Don't cry, baby. It kills me seeing you crying"

"I know" Rosie mutters, her face against the crook of my neck.

"I don't want you to leave"

"Fine" I roll my eyes as I extend her my palm.

"If you're that scared, come with me then"


I pop a grin. "You'll know, baby"

Rosie nods, mouthing an okay before I lift her off the bed to the washroom. She brushes her teeth while I grab her my hoodie and prepare her my sneakers. Basically, she's raiding my closet.

"What do I wear?" she asks sweetly as she approaches me. I peck her lips again and she smiles.

"Arms up, baby" I instruct and she follows, totally whipped.

I slide down the purple Celine sweatshirt on her gorgeous figure and puts on my black socks on her  feet. She is sitting on my lap as I help fitting the Nike trainer to her feet.

"Now my baby is pretty" I exclaims as we rest our foreheads together.

"Let's go" I pull her hand into mine and see her face smiling gorgeously at that gesture.

"Okay" she nods adorably, taking the Mercedes from the basement and drives towards the airport with our hands intertwined on my thigh.

"Are we fetching someone?" Rosie asks as we approaching the airport. I nod slightly, not wanting to tell much.

"Can you tell me who?"

"My other half" I reply and I yell a second later as Chaeyoung slaps my thigh.


"Don't say that" she groans. "I'm your fucking other half"

"No you're not" I stare at her.

"W...what... What?" she stammers. Damn, that's hot.

"You are my whole, baby" I kiss her chin before bumping our foreheads together.

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