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Lisa's POV

I twist open the knob and the door clicks open. My old house.

Mamma's mansion. As I tiptoe casually towards the stairs, a voice calls for my name. Even in the dark, I have known that voice so well. The voice of my Mamma.

"Hey, baby" Mamma greets as she emerges from the dark, a glass of white wine in hand as we lean forward to kiss one another on cheeks.

"I thought you were sleeping already

"Oh no. I can't. I've been a terrible sleeper these few days"

I look at her with 

"Are you alright?" I place on hand on her shoulder. She smiles weakly. "I'm fine. Just tired"


"Can we talk baby?"

"Umm" I stare at the floor. "I'm so tired right now, Ma. Can't we just talk like ..."

"The garden?" Mamma asks. "The skies are so pretty tonight" she says as she drags me behind her feet.

We sit on the chairs, our heads are up studying the skies.

There are many stars, bright and dim decorating the stretched skies.

"What's with the sigh?" Mamma asks as she sips her wine. I turn my head to look at her, mustering a smile. "Nothing. Just tired, remember I told you?"

Mamma smiles.

"Do you know, when we had your unnie, papa and I fell out of love?" Mamma begins as she takes another sip of the wine.

"What?" I ask. "No that can't be. You guys were perfect for one another" I said.

"We were" Mamma agrees. "Like you and Chae"

"Anyway, we were so tired of one another. I can't stand looking at him and so did he. And it was getting out of hand until we both thought of divorcing one another"

That catches my attention. No, I don't want that to happen to my marriage.

"But you know what happened next?" Mamma asks, chuckling a little at the memory.

"We took a few weeks off without one another, just to see if it was really anything that we wanted. But then I missed him and started to realize that it was him that I had always wanted. We reconciled, and a few years after that we had you and our life was complete"

"Why are you telling me this?" Lisa asks after a moment of silence. She doesn't want to look at her Mamma. Because that lady reads her well.

"Because I know what you are going through" her hand strokes mine gently.

"I have seen that tired look before, Lisa. I have known that lie too"

I still keep my mouth shuts. I don't want to tell her anything. Not now when I don't even know what the heck is happening to me.

"Just go back and talk to her. She'll understand. I know she will"

"But the thing about us Mamma" I say at last as I stare at her. "Is that I don't even know where I stand with her. I mean, being alone with her doesn't thrill me anymore"

"Maybe you're just confused" Mamma smiles. "Just trust your heart, baby. It will always show you the right path that will direct you home"

"And what if Chae is lost too, Mamma?"

"Then you'll bring her home. That's your job. You guys are each other's homes"

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