Big Sister, Little Sister (Part 5)

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Jennie's POV

She hits our place for dinner, which is weird because knowing her, my cooking would always be the last resort to fill her empty stomach.

Ever since we were kids, she has always said that I'm a bad cook. But it makes me wondering if her wife is any better than me.

Anyway, we had dinner and she helps me clean the kitchen afterwards. Jisoo takes our child to bed and returns only to find Lisa setting up the table with two bottles of expensive red wine she has purchased earlier.

"Wow, are we celebrating anything?" Jisoo asks excitedly as she pulls the chair and sits down.

"We are celebrating your death anniversary" Lisa snaps and I see Jisoo locks her arm around Lisa's neck, meaning to choke the hell out of the brat.

I roll my eyes. These two will never learn on how to behave. They have always been like this since they were kids.

"Keep your fucking mouth shut" I threaten both of them as I send them a death glare. "Or I swear I'm gonna kick you both in the asses"

"Oh, why honey" Jisoo winks, placing her chin on top of her palm. "You look so hot when you are angry"

"Stop it, Jisoo" I nudge her elbow with mine. She continues to giggle as I sit next to her, locking my eyes with Lisa.

"I know there's something wrong with that look" I start, pointing at her broken eyes. She pops me a sad smile, one that I never know would be able to break me into half.

"I guess we need to talk" I say at last, a little bit louder so that Jisoo hears that.

But this silly wife of mine keeps on chugging the wine, and makes a few comments about the taste.

"Jisoo, honey?"

That catches her attention.


"Lisa and I need to talk" I say flatly and she rolls her eyes before moving her ass from the chair.

"I'll be on the couch, Jen"

"Alright. This shouldn't take long, anyway"

"So, tell me" I say to Lisa and I turn my head to face her. She passes me a glass of the wine and sips it carefully.

"We went to the hospital today" she starts and I pay attention to every single bit of her story.

"And the doctor told us that Rosie couldn't get pregnant because she has a problem with her hormones thingy and right now she's pissed at me and she's back at her parents' place"

"What?" I tug my eyebrows together. "She can't pregnant?"

"Unnie, trust me that's not the biggest issue over here" Lisa leans in, as if afraid if someone will overhear their conversation.

"My wife hates me, that's the biggest concern now"

"I don't understand" I frown. "Why would she hate you anyway? It's not like it's your fault she can't get pregnant"

"I don't know" Lisa sighs, taking another sip of the wine. "All I know is that she wants a break from us"

"Then give her" I look at Lisa. "Maybe it's what she needs. To cool down"

"But I don't want to lose her, unnie"

"You are not losing her" I put the glass down and pull my sister into my own embrace. "She just needs a break, to think of stuff. But don't worry much, Lisa. I know Rosie. She won't be that easy to give up on you"

"She better be unnie" Lisa answers, wiping her tears away. "Because I won't give up on us. I want us to work, unnie. I really want us to work"

"I know, honey" I kiss the top of Lisa's head. "Just don't worry now. Be happy, okay?"

Lisa nods, smiling weakly.  Grabbing her coat from behind the door, she kisses me before hurrying back home.


Jisoo looks at me; all wide eyes. "Chae left Lisa?"

"Not that kind of left you have in mind" I smack Jisoo's arm. "She wants some space"

"Well, if I were Chae I'd say the same thing too" Jisoo adds as she sips her wine. " Sometimes you just need to be alone to figure things out"

"I know, honey. But for how long? We all know Lisa wouldn't make it if Chae isn't around for so long right?"

"Yeah" Jisoo puffs her cheeks. "That's another problem"

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