Make Me Your Always

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Chaeyoung's POV

"Seriously what are they thinking?" 

I groan in anger as I sit on the couch opposite from Jennie unnie. It's almost 2 in the morning  and our wives haven't returned to the hotel yet. We have changed into our pajamas yet still we are worried. Those two dumbass could be hurt wandering aimlessly out there. 

"Not to admit it" Jennie unnie raises her face to meet my eyes. She is nibbling on her thumb. 

"But if there's anyone to blame, it is never me but those two idiots, Chaeng"

"I know right" I roll my eyes as I drop my head backwards. 

"But I'm so fucking worried about them"

"That's it" Jennie unnie mutters as she grabs her phone. "I'm calling the authority now"

3 minutes into talking, I watch she gasps for a moment, her eyes meeting mine as she mutters an okay. 

"Get your coat" she says as she grabs hers from the bed. 

"Why?" I scowl. "Is there anywhere we need to be?"

"Apparently the two dumbass are fucking drunk, they are now at the lobby, couldn't really remember which rooms they are going"


"Yes, drunk, Chaeyoung" Jennie unnie snaps viciously as she walks out of the door. Her face bright up in anger and concern; a strange combination as I watch her slamming her finger against the damn button. 

"What the fuck?" she yells and I couldn't help but to pop a small smile seeing her in this condition. Of course I have seen her wrath once when she got into big sister - little sister fight with Lisa long time ago, but this time, it's just different. 

And she looks like Lisa that way; the way her face scrunches as she stares furiously at the damn elevator that takes forever to open. And the way she spits out her curses; well they practically are sisters by blood in that sense. 

"Calm down" I say to her even when I am freaking worried about Lisa too. 

I have seen her getting drunk. But she does that only when she has got a problem. 

Suddenly, I shiver. We are good, aren't we? 

When I left her this morning, she was fine and we kissed though not long like she preferred. But we kissed and God, I hope it's not anything about us. 

A ring blares and the door springs open. 

"Are you coming?" Jennie unnie asks. 

"Yeah" I pile in, standing next to her. 

"I'm so gonna slap these two idiots, I swear, Chaeyoung"

"Let's just hear them first, unnie" I try to console her. 

She gives me a weird look. "We have nothing to hear, Chaeng. Trust me. These two motherfuckers might be all day drinking and flirting with girls, that's all I know"


Jennie unnie grabs my hand when we reach the lobby. The manager in suit greets us and points his finger towards the left room, where Lisa and Jisoo are currently in. Well, Jennie has made it clear to the manager that she needs some privacy to deal with the two motherfuckers. 

"Thank you" Jennie unnie mutters before dragging me behind. 

We push through the door and gasp in shocked as we see both of them. 

Totally drunk. 

Jisoo is sleeping on the couch.

And my Lisa is on the rag, mumbling unclearly. 

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