It's Always You

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Chaeyoung's POV

I walk next to my mom on the pavement. We are going back to my grandmother's house after a short grocery shopping at nearby store. We bought a lot of things since my mom decides that my grandmother needs to eat a lot of things in order to speed her recovery. 

The poor old soul has just got a major heart operation and since my mom is the eldest child, she decides to stay for a while in Seoul to take care of my ailing grandmother. 

She has asked me to go back to Paris for a couple of times but I tell her a no. I still need some time to be away from Lisa even though it kills me. 

I don't know what I would do if I happen to see her again. I know I have hurt her with not being able to give her the family that she wants and I also know that I have hurt her again with this distance that I keep between us. 

I know she's hurting. But I'm hurting too in the process. 

We walk pass the small stores along the pavement and decide to wait for a bus to bring us home. As I hum a little, staring at the busy crosswalk before us, my eyes suddenly catches the lanky figure that my heart has been missing so much. 

I blink my eyes for a few times, fear if I was just hallucinating but the more I blink, the clear the image becomes. 

She is there. 

My Lili.

She is there. 

For a moment, I feel like everyone around me doesn't exist. 

Because my eyes only allow me to see her. 

Only her. 

Dropping the grocery bags on the pavement, I run as fast as I can towards the lanky figure who's currently smiling at random things she sees. 

My mom shouts for my name, that few heads are turned to observe me running frantically. But I don't care. I don't care.

I let my heart guides me. 

Dammit, Rosie. You want her. Just her.

I run across the road, ignoring the honks. 

I run until I'm out of breath. I run until my limbs feel like burning into ashes. 

She's walking away. Too fast for me to catch but still I'm running after her. 

I want to yell for her name, asking her to stop but with all the noise, she won't hear me.

I keep running after her with tears in my eyes, my lips trembling. 

Suddenly, my favorite figure stops, holding her camera as she snaps a picture of something that catches her eye. I can't stop my feet as I'm running way too fast so I knock over her, my whole body on top of her when we hit the ground together. 

"What the fuck?" she yells, as she cups the back of her head that hits the pavement hard. Few people rush to help us but I remain on her top, hugging her tightly on the pavement. 

"Oh my god, my camera is broken. Great" I hear she yelps sarcastically. 

"Miss, are you alright?" she asks solemnly, stroking my hair. 

I don't respond to her question. I just want to hug her. Hard and tight so that I won't have to be away from her ever again. 

"Rosie?" she mutters out of blue, sounding shock. 

"OH MY GAWD, ROSIE?" she screams, still lying on her back, her hands tighten around my figure. I nod silently, still sobbing. 

"Baby, I missed you" she murmurs lovingly as she strokes my hair. I think we just lie there with people watching us like we are two crazy people. 

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