Girls' Day Out PART 2

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Third Person's POV

Jisoo shields her eyes with her left palm, forming a small roof over her perfect brows. The older girl is waiting for Lisa, currently asking for a direction of an eatery both of them should go since Jennie has booked a table for their lunch there.

She sighs, watching patiently at Lisa who's flirting subtly with a really cute girl with deep brunette hair and round glasses over the bridge of her nose. She seems really like those girls from the Kdramas Jennie often watches when she has got the time to kill.

"Yah, Limario!"

The older girl finally yells, bobbing one hand in the air as to catch the brat's attention. Lisa tilts her head, raising her palm as a sign she's coming and turns her head back at the cute girl, muttering something that Jisoo guesses as cliche stuff judging by the dumbfounded look the girl gives Lisa after the young president joins Jisoo back at the pavement.

"What took you so long?" she scolds. "The heat is grilling me"

"Patience, grandma. I just got a direction. See?" she flashes a fresh paper before Jisoo's eyes; the one that is full of drawing and simple direction.

Squinting her eyes, she tries to comprehend the map before noticing a small series of numbers at the corner of the paper.

"Oh, she left you her number" the older girl says casually, like she has expected that to happen.

"Gawd!" Lisa pretends to be shocked, causing Jisoo to really slap her.

"I didn't expect she to give me that, you know"

"Stop acting so innocent" Jisoo blurts as she takes a sip of her beer from the half empty can in her hand.

"You think I was blind? I saw the whole fucking scene!"

"Lol, I didn't know what you were talking about" Lisa sticks her tongue as she starts to walk towards the place according to the so called map in her hand.

"Aha! You think I didn't notice the way you stare at her? Like your eyes gonna pop outta your fucking skull?"

"I can't help it, Unnie if people find me attractive" Lisa flips her short hair. "I'm a beauty that's hard to resist. It's just a fucking fact"

"Wow, where did you purchase that confidence?"

"Somewhere you  can't afford to purchase it" she snaps and Jisoo beams back, amused at the clap back.

"I'm so gonna tell Chayoungie later after today ends" Jisoo threatens as she grabs Lisa by her arm, adjusting her own pace to the young president.

"Well, we'll see if you could make it to the end of today" Lisa says casually, a dark tint of evil glows in her eyes but it doesn't scare the older girl.


"Lunch is done"

Lisa whines as she caresses her tummy. "Where do we go next?"

"I don't know" Jisoo replies. "But Jennie says we are free to do anything"

That makes Lisa chuckles, darkly as her eyes divert to Jisoo's.

"Anything?" she asks for a confirmation. "Yes, my friend. Anything"

"Cool. I'm gonna ring someone. She knows all the best places in Seoul so we aren't gonna we fucking bored until our wives are back with us"

"Alright, Limario. Quick"



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