Chapter 215: Are You Trying to Give Me a Heart Attack Once Every Day?

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"After watching the first episode, it looks as though you have taken care of everyone who were with you. Have you always been this way? Do you take good care of people in reality?"

"I am a very private person who is very dependent on my family and loved ones. So, to be honest, I am the type of person who would not even pick up a broom that have fallen on the ground when I am home," Irene replied as she laughed.


The interview went on for another forty minutes and ended on a very light and relaxed note.

After the interview was over, Tiffany immediately walked over to Irene before she informed her, "Something has cropped up."

"What happened?" Irene asked as she got up and hurriedly followed after Tiffany.

"Last night, someone put together a collage of you and Lee Sung Kyung for comparisons purposes. After that, Lee Sung Kyung's fans started criticizing and verbally abusing you. One of the Baetokkis tried to stand up for you and defend you, but she was immediately attacked by the other party's fans. Not only had they abused her verbally, but they also found out her house address and went to her house directly to intimidate her and her family. The other party's fans maliciously caused a mess in front of your fan's house. Mirei only learned about this matter earlier in the morning. Your fan is so frightened that her whole family do not even dare to go home now."

"That is too much! What did Lee Sung Kyung say about this matter?" Irene asked with a frown on her face.

"The other party immediately denied the accusations that this was done by one of her fans. She is refusing to accept any responsibility at all. I suppose she is just trying to find a way to suppress you and force you into a dead end," Tiffany replied in a frustrated manner. "I already told you before that Lee Sung Kyung's fans are not easy to deal with. They are all very vindictive and malicious and it is best to steer clear of them. I shouldn't have jinxed us."

"Moreover, things are trickier because Lee Sung Kyung has a fan base comprising of almost sixty million fans. We are barely hitting the ten million mark."

"There is nothing that is impossible in this world," Irene replied immediately. Unlike Tiffany, Irene was able to keep calm and composed even under such circumstances. This was because Irene knew that things would definitely take a turn for the worse if she did not step up to resolve the matter. After all, she had just made a promise to always take care of and be worthy of the Baetokkis' love and support.

"Do you have a plan in mind?" Tiffany asked as soon as she heard Irene's words.

"Even if she had sixty million fans, don't you think that she would definitely be afraid of X Society?" Irene sneered. "I will show Lee Sung Kyung what it means to add fuel to the flame."

"Please stop keeping me in suspense and just let me know what is going through your mind right now!" Tiffany replied as she looked at Irene with an anxious expression on her face.

"Okay. Tiffany, first of all, you should arrange to meet up with that fan girl so that you can arrange for safe accommodation for her and her family for the time being. I will arrange for the young paparazzo to follow and secretly film Lee Sung Kyung's fans when they are carrying out all these malicious actions. This kind of act could be considered a crime of intimidation and assault. After gathering the relevant evidence, the young paparazzo will then hand the information over to my brother. I am certain that my brother will know what he should do to gain the public's attention on what Lee Sung Kyung's fans are doing to harm other innocent people. Even if she has a huge fan base, shouldn't she stop them from acting this way? We've used the same trick when we were dealing with your issue in the past, but the difference now is that we want to try and attract the attention of different powerful associations such as the Youth Protection Association..."

Sweetest Top Actress in my House (Part 2) || LisreneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora