Chapter 369: Brother Jin Personally Came Online to Slap Them in Their Faces

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However, no one knew if this was karma or retribution. When the couple heard the sound of the police car sirens, the were too afraid to run out of the main entrance of the house. Therefore, they decided to jump out of their windows from the sixth floor to escape through the lawn.

Since the man was already disabled, he would never have been able to make a perfect landing on one leg. Therefore, he caused serious injuries to his only remaining leg because he did not land on the ground properly.

Neither of them had a good ending because the woman ended up hitting her face in the flower bed when she landed on the ground. When she stood up eventually, her entire face was covered in blood as she had broken her nose in the process. She would definitely be disfigured after this.

But even if that was the case, there were no excuses and the police officers arrested the couple anyway.

Of course, it went without saying that the scumbag couple kept struggling and yelling, "Let go of me! Let me go. You have caught the wrong person. I did not break the law."

The woman was especially loud as she kept screaming in her high and pitchy voice, "Don't come near me. Let go of me. Help! Someone is going to get killed!"

The residents in the community could not stand by idly as they watched the police apprehending the couple and they started pouring a bucket of water downstairs onto the couple. Some of them also threw some items at the couple and both of them were hit in the head until they began feeling dizzy.

At this time, there were also some children who were shouting out loud. "Uncle police, please take these two bad people away already! They are too noisy. I can't focus on my studies because of this noise disturbance!"

"Can the two scumbags downstairs stop yelling and screaming already? Scumbags like you should be left to rot and die in prison!"

After that, the couple received a lot of 'love and care' from the residents and they could no longer open their mouths as the residents kept throwing things at them.

After some time, the police officers finally stepped up and stopped the residents because they were afraid that the scumbags would be smashed to death. They called the hospital to send an ambulance over to pick the scumbag couple up so that they could receive medical care before they would be dealt with under the law.

However, the police officers had to admit that they really enjoyed watching the residents throwing things at the couple because they deserved it.

Some of the residents in the community who had witnessed the entire scene took the opportunity to take pictures and videos of the couple before posting them on the Internet.

[These two fools tried to escape from police officers by jumping down from the sixth floor. They ended up sustaining some serious injuries and they were ultimately arrested by the police anyway! They really deserved it!]

[It felt like garbage was falling from the sky when both of them jumped off the sixth floor. Today is the day that justice is finally served!]

[I hope that the police officer will not let the couple off so easily this time. They are a risk to society!]

[I wish that both of them would just die already. They should kneel down and beg for forgiveness from the Yeo family!]

[I hope that this couple will go to hell soon.]

[The residents in this community are really amazing! Like! I want to give them thirty-two likes!]

[The film emperor is really pitiful. He suffered so much and he lost so many first-line endorsements and contracts just because of these two scumbags!]

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