Chapter 257: Really Have to Admit that You are Damn Lucky!

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 "Alright then, although I still hope that you can help me figure out if Jin-hee has any other ulterior motives." Even though Irene agreed to lend a helping hand to Jin-hee, this did not mean that she had already let go of her cautions against Jin-hee.

"I will verify the situation for you," Tiffany replied as she nodded her head.

Tiffany did not know why but she felt as though Irene's dislike for Jin-hee was very obvious and apparent. Was it simply because of Jin-hee's agent?

In fact, Irene did not dislike her because of her agent. It was simply because Irene could not describe the feeling that she had when she interacted with Jin-hee. It was not as simple as a mere like or dislike for the person, although Jin-hee's agent was clearly not a simple person. Who would know what kind of person Jin-hee would eventually turn out to be, since she was placed under the care and influence of this kind of person?

Irene and Tiffany arrived at Ace Media early the next day as promised.

However, Jin-hee and her agent did not show up that day because they had already left to attend another audition.

"Jin-hee has asked me to pass you a message. She says that this matter is between her and Hani and she does not want to involve you in their squabble. She has also asked me to thank you for everything," Jung Hae-in said as soon as he saw Irene walking into his office. "So, you don't have to take this matter to heart. I will try to arrange some resources for Jin-hee in future to compensate her."

"I want to know more about Hani's background," Irene suddenly said as she looked at Jung Hae-in.

"She has already been signed for a very long time and has already accumulated a lot of interest under Ace Media. She used to top all the charts in her glory days, but after that, she got married and had a child before she eventually filed for a divorce. By that time, she had already missed out on the prime and most important years in her career. That is why she is trying to regain all the power and fame that she has lost in the past. She is just jealous that you are so popular nowadays," Jung Hae-in started explaining. "She has also gotten involved with a magnate recently but I do not know much about the man or their relationship."

"I see. Alright then. Director Jung, I really do not want to implicate any innocent people in this matter between Hani and myself. Therefore, if you can think of any ways to help Jin-hee, please do not hesitate to do so."

"I wanted to transfer some of your variety show resources over to her but there is no way for me to do that. The production team has designated you and only you as their preference and there is no other way to do it," Jung Hae-in replied as he shrugged.

Irene was very widely recognized in the entertainment industry nowadays, especially in variety shows and endorsement activities. Therefore, many people had already come knocking on the door to invite her to participate in their variety programs or activities and they refused to acknowledge anyone else but Irene because they felt that she was irreplaceable. They were even willing to wait for Irene's schedule to clear up so that they would have the opportunity to work with her.

"I do not mind helping her or giving her any resources but at this time, I think that it is best if you do not link us both together. That would be the best way to protect her," Irene replied. "I can also provide her with financial support behind the scenes but not out in the open. If Hani finds out that I am on close terms with Jin-hee and that I am trying to help her carve out her career path, then Hani would definitely bully her more often."

"I understand what you mean," Jung Hae-in replied as he nodded.

What they meant was that the more they reacted to what Hani was doing, the more she would feel as though she had already succeeded. At that time, she would definitely do even more bad things to hurt Jin-hee.

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