Chapter 241: I Feel Uneasy Because You Have Been So Obedient

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Lisa obviously could not enjoy herself, as Irene was very tired.

After Irene fell asleep, she turned around and pulled Irene into her arms as she hugged her tightly.

It had been so difficult for her to fall asleep the past two nights because he felt so lonely. Two nights without Irene felt like a century.

Now, she finally understood why she couldn't eat or sleep when she was not around.

She knew that Irene felt the same way about her. Just as these thoughts were running through her mind, Irene suddenly murmured in her sleep, "Lisa...I really missed you so much."

Lisa could not help but sigh as soon as she heard those words. She simply kissed Irene's forehead gently before she whispered, "I missed you too..."


Tiffany decided not to appear at the Royal Dragon Villa for the next three days because Irene had been so tired and exhausted when she sent her home. She wanted Irene to rest and recuperate.

During that time, Tiffany had to search and decide on the gown that Irene would be wearing to attend the annual dinner hosted by Ace Media. Moreover, she wanted to stay away from the Royal Dragon Villa in order to preserve her own life.

However, as Irene was resting at home, something happened to Director Mong.

Some media received some inside news that Irene would no longer be the first female lead of Forgotten, but she would be replaced by someone else instead.

A short while later, some keyboard warriors started getting active on the internet and started commenting that it was only reasonable for the director to replace Irene with another actress since Irene's acting skills were questionable.

As soon as Tiffany saw the news, she contacted Director Mong's personal assistant immediately. "What is going on with the rumors spreading all across the internet?"

"Sister Tiffany, don't worry about it. Someone is trying to put pressure on Director Mong so that he will cave and give the role of the first female lead to Kim Yoo-jung instead of Sister Irene. However, our Director Mong has never been one to give in to pressure. The more anyone forces him to do something, the more impossible it will be for them to achieve their goal," the young assistant quickly assured Tiffany. "I am just very curious. Why is Kim Yoo-jung so adamant on getting the role of the first female lead in all of a sudden? I thought that she has always been interested in youth idol dramas?"

"Who knows what is going on in her mind?" Tiffany sneered. She had already heard stories about how shameless Kim Yoo-jung's agent and team could be, but she did not understand how they could be so brazen to try and snatch the role of the first female lead of from Irene out in the open. Weren't they afraid of the criticism that they would receive from directors and fans of the youth idol dramas?

"I have also heard that Kim Yoo-jung has a very powerful figure backing her up behind the scenes. So, even though the director of has already heard the news, there is nothing that he can do."

Hm. Who was the powerful figure that was backing Kim Yoo-jung up?

Kim Yoo-jung's team adopted a high-pressure policy, sending people up to Director Mong's doorsteps everyday in order to pressure him, but it seemed as though their strategy was not working at all.

Annoyed, Kim Yoo-jung's team contacted Director Mong directly. "If we can't get you to replace Irene, then we will just replace you!"

How could these people who were trying to rob someone else of their so arrogant nowadays?

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