Chapter 236: Let Him Go Back and Harm Irene Instead

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 "Sister Irene...I am really sorry," Jimin apologized sincerely to Irene. "I promise that I will never abandon you again!"

"Only the ghosts would believe your words!" Jennie snorted immediately. ", run. The monsters are coming."

"Jennie, don't scare him anymore. Some people are just naturally timid and more easily scared compared to others. Jimin, the monsters are attracted to us and targeting us because of your screams. I am not going to cover your mouth or restrain you after we step out of this building but if you do not take control of your own psychological fears, then we will just keep getting attacked by the monsters. Do you understand?"

Jimin nodded his head before he said, "I will make sure I do not open my mouth even if I am really afraid."

"Do you believe him?"

"If we do not give him a chance, he will not learn and he will not grow up. If he does not learn how to overcome his own fears, then who knows if he might suddenly scream at the most critical moment and cause us to lose our chance at victory?" Irene asked Jennie.

"Alright then, let's just give it a try. We can go over to the next building and start searching there instead."

The four of them were more relaxed and relieved after finding out that the monsters would only be activated if they started screaming.

After picking up their backpacks, they started walking towards the next building.

This time, Jimin was surrounded by the other three members as they walked out of the building. When Irene used her flashlight to look around their surroundings, Jimin saw a monster that was hidden behind the tall grass and making some mechanical noises. However, the monster remained dormant and did not attack them even though they were only a few feet away from the monster.

Although Jimin was still very scared, he kept pinching his own thigh to remind himself that he should not scream. He did not want to cause Irene any more trouble than he already had.

This time, the four of them made it to the next building without encountering any difficulties at all.

Jimin could finally breathe and relaxed after they were safely inside the building.

"Are you not scared anymore?"

Jimin's eyes were teary because he had always been a very timid person.

"Just think of the monsters as battery-operated machines that are controlled by a remote control. It is the same as the battery-operated toys that you can get from the toy shops. That way, you will not be so scared anymore."

Irene tried her best to comfort Jimin and calm him down a little.

"Wow...Sister Irene, if I think of it that way, I really seem to be less fearful of the monsters now."

"Irene, we have already searched more than half of the buildings on this island. There seems to be no hints at all. The only things that we keep finding are pistols. Do you think it is time for us to change our strategy?" Jennie asked Irene as she sat down on the ground and started eating some of her food supplies.

Irene nodded her head as she looked at the pistols in her backpack.

"I have a very bold idea."

"Tell us."

"I have a feeling that the clues or hints that we need are hidden on the monsters. Although we know how to stop the monsters from attacking us, we still have no idea how we can restrain them. I think that the production team must have given us all these pistols for this purpose. Therefore, I am certain that the production team has already hidden the important clues and hints on the monsters."

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