Chapter 258: Young Girl, I Will Not Mess With You Anymore

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That night, Jin-hee and her agent gave Hani a lot of face as they brought many gifts to her residence.

Hani knew that Irene had not interfered or tried to help Jin-hee in any way ever since she started messing with her and when she saw that Jin-hee had already caved in and was apologizing to her, she gave her a word of advice. "You are still very young and fresh in the entertainment industry, unlike Irene who is already considered a senior in the entertainment circle. You chose to stand by Irene's side in good faith, but did Irene recognize or acknowledge what you did for her?"

"Sister Hani, I know that you are a very magnanimous person. Please be gracious and forgive me," Jin-hee apologized as she begged Hani in a pitiful manner.

"Will you still help Irene in future?"

Jin-hee shook her head immediately.

Hani was finally satisfied and appeased after seeing this. "Young girl, I forgive you and I will not mess with you anymore. However, I will not return you any of the resources that I have already snatched away from you. After all, I obtained them based on my own abilities."

"No, no. Sister Hani, you do not have to return any resources to me. As long as you are more magnanimous and gracious towards me in future, I will be extremely grateful."

"Good girl...How great would it be if Irene was as sensible as you? However, to tell you the truth, it is not entirely impossible to hinder Irene's progress anyway. If I intend to do something to ruin this episode of HWY, will you secretly tell Irene?" Hani asked Jin-hee as she looked at her with her arms crossed in front of her chest.

Jin-hee shook her head immediately.

"No, Sister Hani. I really will not betray you."

"Alright then, I look forward to your performance."

Jin-hee did not stay in Hani's residence for too long because the young girl was shocked and afraid of Hani after realizing first hand what she was capable of. She did not expect Hani to be such a vindictive person. She may have plotted something minor to gain Irene's trust in the first place, but in comparison to Hani's twists and turns, what she did was nothing. She would never be able to outwit someone like Hani.


Late that night, the interior of the Royal Dragon Villa was still brightly lit.

Irene was sitting in the living room as she was writing the lyrics for the song that she writing for Lisa. It wasn't until it turned nine o'clock at night that her woman finally came home, with the sweet fragrance of wine all over her. She quickly stood up and hurried over to her Lisa.

"Were you out entertaining someone?"

"I drank a little before I went back to the Manoban family mansion," Lisa replied as she unbuttoned her shirt. "I went to see second uncle off before he leaves to go abroad."

"How is Sister Ryujin doing right now?"

"She is already accustomed to the life of the Manoban family now. You don't need to worry about her. You can always drop by the Manoban family mansion to visit her whenever you want to. I have already informed the butler to let you in if you are there," Lisa replied as she rested her body against Irene. "Irene."


"Grandpa wants me to give him a grandson before I turn thirty. So, you still have more than a year to do whatever you want to do before we have to settle down and have a child. Don't worry so much. I will bring you to meet him when that time comes. Don't get so sensitive whenever I mention the Manoban family...that will also be your home sooner or later."

Sweetest Top Actress in my House (Part 2) || LisreneOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora