Chapter 250: Patting on the Head is Not Enough

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Lee Jong-suk should have been excited after getting his cell phone back, but at this time, he no longer had any desire to contact Kim Yoo-jung.

After he switched his cell phone on, Kim Yoo-jung's name kept showing up on his caller ID, yet he simply ignored the incoming calls and messages.

"Young master, why don't you just answer her call and end this relationship once and for all?" the butler asked as he sighed after Master Lee left the villa. "Just so you can achieve closure and finally give up completely."

Lee Jong-suk gripped the cell phone tightly in his hands until he started trembling. After a short while, he finally answered the call when the phone started ringing again.

He used a stiff tone and pretended to be cold and indifferent before he said, "Can you stop calling me already? Kim Yoo-jung, haven't you hurt me enough?"

"Jong-suk...I was just worried about you..." Kim Yoo-jung replied over the other end of the line. She obviously did not expect Lee Jong-suk to have that sort of attitude towards her.

"Worried about me? Come on, you can stop pretending already. I know that you are just worried about your own future. You are afraid that you have already lost your gold sponsor and that there would no longer be anyone backing you up in future. Kim Yoo-jung, you are just a toy that I am already done playing with. I have already backed you up and supported you for so many years. You should be contented with everything that I have already done for you."

After listening to Lee Jong-suk's words, Kim Yoo-jung lost her temper immediately. "Lee Jong-suk! Who do you think you are? You were the one who insisted on getting closer to me and you were the one with wishful thinking when you fell in love with me. Did I force you to like me or support me? No! You chose to wait for me and stay by my side even though you knew who I truly love. So, why are you trying to place the blame on me now, when you had willingly chosen to stay by my side?"

"That is why I've finally realized that this was a mistake. Don't call me anymore in future. We are over."

"Fine! If you want us to be over, so be it. I hope that I never have to see you again in this lifetime."

After that, Kim Yoo-jung hung up the phone before she threw her cell phone across the room.

When Kim Yoo-jung's agent saw what had just happened, she felt that Kim Yoo-jung's only hope was just thrown out of the window. "Kim Yoo-jung, I thought that you would have learned to be humble and more accepting after what has happened in these past two days. However, I have discovered that I was totally wrong and my expectations were totally unrealistic. Young Master Lee was your only chance at getting back into the entertainment industry, but you threw everything away because of your foul temper. You can no longer rely on young Master Lee in future. So, even if you have to be on the front cover of a cheap magazine or participate in low budget variety shows in future, know that you asked for it! Do you realize how selfish you are?"

"I have already worked so hard and stayed up for the past two days just so I can continue defending you and our team. Yet, you still choose to throw tantrums as if you can still afford to do so."

"Stop it!" Kim Yoo-jung yelled at her agent. "What else do you want me to do?"

"The agency has already requested for me to manage another new artist earlier today. I had not intended to take up the offer initially, but on second thought, I think I have no choice but to accept it since I need to make a living too. Therefore, I will be able to spare very little time for you in future because I will be busy managing another new artist. I used to spoil you so much and I took care of your every want and need. In future, I will wait for you to beg me to come back to you." After that, Kim Yoo-jung's agent walked out of her house immediately.

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