Chapter 301: Kim Dasom, You Dare to Hit Me?

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A short while later, the notification for a group chat called 'Caring for the Forlorn and Broken-hearted Old Man' started ringing.

@HanbinKim: "I have just accompanied my sister for dinner tonight and I have already prepared her for the birthday party tomorrow. Don't mess this up, Brother-in-Law!"

@ChoiMinhwan: "Thank you."

@HanbinKim: "Sister-in-Law, will your Lisa be coming to the birthday party tomorrow too?"

@ BaeBaeLovesTheScenery: "How can she come when you have already invited so many other guests? *rolls eyes*"

@HanbinKim: "Then, will you also be having fun along with my sister tomorrow?"

@ BaeBaeLovesTheScenery: "Cough. Pay attention to the number of participants in this group chat."

@HanbinKim: "Four. What is the matter?"

@Scenery: "Am I dead to you?"

@HanbinKim: "Oh my god...when did Lisa join this group chat?"

Irene could not help but laugh out loud as she rolled on her sides.

Lisa put down her cell phone before she held the little descendant's chin in her hand. "Is it really that funny to you?"

"My dear husband, you can rest assured that all other men in this world can never compare to you. You are the most handsome woman that I have ever seen and I am obsessed with you. I can't even stand looking at any other men. Those little chickens can never compare to you, Lisa," Irene replied sincerely as she stared into Lisa's eyes. "Therefore, you don't have to take Kim Hanbin's words to heart. You can come and pick me up after dinner tomorrow night. Since I have already promised Kim Hanbin that I would help him, then I hope that Sister Kim Dasom and Choi Min-hwan will have a happy ending, okay?"

Lisa lowered her head and kissed Irene on her lips before she said, "That will depend entirely on your performance today."

"What performance?"

Lisa did not reply and instead, she walked up the stairs and headed directly to the bedroom on the second floor.

This hint. Was it enough?


Kim Hanbin arranged for some workers to go over to the Choi family mansion to put up decorations for the birthday party early in the morning the next day. Kim Hanbin completely ignored Choi Min-hwan and he treated him as though he did not exist at all.

"Isn't this a little too high-profile?" Kim Dasom asked as she dragged Kim Hanbin aside. "This is still the Choi family mansion after all."

"I know that this is the Choi family's house," Kim Hanbin replied in a loud manner. "I just don't like any of the Choi family members. If the Choi family is unhappy with me, then they can come at me if they want to."

Kim Dasom was taken aback.

When did he become so naughty and wild?

Choi Min-hwan continued sitting in front of the dining table without doing anything or responding to Kim Hanbin at all as he continued eating his breakfast.

Kim Dasom thought that she should just let the matter rest. If she did not allow Kim Hanbin to release his anger, then she did not know what other plans Kim Hanbin would come up with to deal with Choi Min-hwan in the end.

However, a few hours later when Kim Dasom went downstairs to check out the situation again, she realized that Kim Hanbin had already turned the living room of the Choi family mansion into what looked like the dance floor of a nightclub.

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