Chapter 222: Fool for Love

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The other two groups were in a crisis in comparison to Irene's group.

This was especially so for Ji Chang Wook's group, as they had initially thought that they would encounter less problems by entering the jungle during the day. However, reality seemed to prove otherwise as they were also faced with their own share of obstacles. They were trapped in the jungle with no capacity or ability to do anything at all.

This made Irene seem even more like a treasure.

On the other hand, the production team spent hours running around the jungle just to look for Jennie Kim.

When the focus was turned back onto Irene's team, the audience could not help but feel as though all three of the groups were in completely different worlds.

[Hahaha! I saw Kris stuffing the fish that they have just caught from the river into his backpack!]

[I can't believe that Kris almost threw his own first aid kit away just so that he could put more food into his bag! I could not believe my own eyes!]

[Irene, are you the devil? If my calculation is right, there are six different types of herbs, four different types of wild fruits, and some fresh water fish and prawns.]

[Dear cameraman, you are already indebted to Irene's group because you ate some of their grilled fishes!]

[Hahaha. Is he the cameraman who stepped up to defend and speak up on Irene's behalf the other day? That is so sweet of him!]

The editing team was also very brilliant, as they edited the parts where Park Jimin was screaming that there were ghosts and where Kris was stuffing food into his backpack into an endless animation loop.

There was no doubt that Irene's group had a lot of supplies and they had also developed many different games amongst themselves along the way. This made the audience blinked twice because they were starting to doubt their own eyes. Were they really looking at the weak child who had injured himself right at the start of their journey?

Finally, the four of them arrived at the final destination in first place.

As soon as they arrived at their final destination, they quickly threw their backpacks onto the ground before they sat down as they were all exhausted at this point.

Kris's backpack was not zipped up properly and when he tossed his backpack on the ground, all of the wild fruits, fishes and shrimps that he had stuffed into his backpack fell out immediately.

The entire production team was stunned when they saw what happened.



[Look at the expression on the producer's face! Please add the producer's stunned expression to the animation loop later!]

The focus then turned to the executive producer who could not help but stutter as he asked, "Darling, did you pack up everything that you could not finish eating in the jungle?

The production team burst into laughter again.

[Oh no! The production team must be having a stomach ache now.]

[It's no wonder why the production team said that there would be a surprise during the next broadcast. I am really very happy! I really enjoy this show and this cast. Please continue using them as your guests!]

A short while later, the second and third group finally arrived at the final destination.

In comparison to Irene's group, they had really lost a lot of resources and air time, especially for Jennie Kim. Apart from giving the production crew more trouble; there was really nothing else that she had contributed to the show.

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