Chapter 235: Almost Annihilated

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 "Let's conduct the second round of our analysis now. Kim Yoo-jung's group has also been on the island for more than an hour but they have not encountered any of the monsters yet. This is very strange. Let's check and see if there are any special devices or anything on us that is attracting the monsters to us."

After listening to Irene, the three of them started looking for any hidden objects or sensors on their bodies, including their battle gears and also in their backpacks. However, they realized that there was nothing abnormal about it from the surface.

"We can now be certain that the monsters are not specifically targeted at us. So, we have to continue analyzing to determine what attracts the monsters to us. I was using a flashlight earlier, and so was Kim Yoo-jung, but they did not encounter the monsters. So, we can rule out the flashlight as a trigger for the monsters. Now, I can only think of one last possibility."

"What?" Jennie asked as she stood up. She was excited because she felt as though they were about to solve the mystery.

"Jimin's screams! We were attacked twice after Jimin started screaming!"

Jennie thought for a short while after listening to Irene's theory. "Yes, I believe that your theory might be very possible."

"It is very easy for us to verify if it is true or otherwise. After searching through this building, we can head out of the building and try to stay quiet and not make any noise at all."


After watching the analysis done by Irene's group, the production team started scratching their heads again.

The director and producers would only have a few strands of hair left soon!

Irene, do you really want to see us go bald so badly?


On the other hand, Kim Yoo-jung's team was still looking for clues on the island in a very relaxed and casual manner.

"Yoo-jung, you are really amazing. This could easily be the easiest issue I have recorded so far!"

"You are really the goddess of luck! Where are the monsters that they were just talking about?"

"I really sympathize with Irene's group now. There are just two girls and one young child. This time, Irene is going to fall down the rankings for sure!"

Kim Yoo-jung's members continued praising her and putting her on a pedestal.

When Kim Yoo-jung thought about how desperate Irene's group must be feeling at the moment, she could not help but feel even more arrogant and proud of herself. No one could ever be luckier or smarter than her in any variety shows. Twenty-four hours? At this rate, they would not even need twelve hours to complete the mission.

At this time, Jimin, who was walking right at the back, constantly felt as though there was something behind him. He kept turning back to take a look every now and then.

When a gush of chilly wind suddenly blew passed him, he started screaming before he threw his flashlight away.

The six of them could not help but laughed at him. "Don't worry, we are the lucky team. You will not encounter any monsters when you are with us."

"Look at how scared he is. He must have felt so miserable just now."

Just as everyone was making fun of Jimin, a faint sound was suddenly heard before monsters started coming from all directions to attack the seven of them.

"Monsters! There are...monsters here!"


Irene and her companions were standing on top of another building at this time when they suddenly heard the screams coming from a short distance away, accompanied by the lights from the flashlights flashing all over the place.

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