Chapter 230: Would You Like to Know What Lemon Essence Tastes Like?

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On the other hand, Tiffany was also busy looking through all the online reviews and she naturally would not miss the comments posted on Irene's public profile. At this time, Tiffany noticed that one particular comment that was cursing at Irene.

@Scenery: "Garbage! I can't wait to see how you will fail in the next issue. You will receive the retribution that you deserve! I hope you get tortured to death!"

This comment angered a lot of the Baetokkis and because of that, this post actually had the greatest number of replies.

However, the comment that was ranked first and liked the most was a comment from a netizen with the user ID @Scenery. All that he had posted were five short words: "Are you tired of living?"

Hmm...scenery? Tiffany rubbed her chin as she was deep in thought.

Tired of living?

Why did this person sound so much like the second young miss?

Tiffany felt that she had unexpectedly discovered something extraordinary but she had her doubts. How could this be possible? Would second young miss actually be so free to comment online?

Full of curiosity, Tiffany clicked into @Scenery's public profile page and as soon as she looked at his profile, she realized that this person had not followed any other accounts except for Irene's social media profile. Moreover, it had never commented on anything else prior to his reply to the hater on Irene's page.


In order to verify her own suspicions, Tiffany immediately called Irene even though it was already late in the middle of the night. "Irene, do you know if Second young miss actually check or follow any news related to you online? Better yet, do you know if he has any social media accounts of his own?"

Irene scratched her head as she thought about Tiffany's sudden question. "Well, I don't know, but do you think he is really so free?"

"Hahaha. That's exactly what I thought. She would not have the free time to do all that."

If even Irene did not know about this, then @Scenery could not possible be Lisa's social media account.

A short while later, Lisa returned to the bedroom after taking a shower. Irene immediately reached out her hand and started hugging and clinging onto Lisa. "Lisa, Tiffany just called me to ask me whether you had a social media account. I think that she really thinks that you are too free!"

"Why? Can't I have a social media account?" Lisa replied in a quiet manner.


Irene was stunned for a moment and she did not respond.

She then crawled over Lisa's body to pick up her tablet before she logged into her own public social media account to take a look at the comments.

Since so many Baetokkis stood up to the person who posted the comment to insult Irene, that comment was naturally pushed up to the top of the page. Irene clicked in to view all of the comments and when she looked at the comment with the most likes, she immediately knew that it was Lisa.

The user ID: @Scenery.

Irene could not help but laugh out loud.

She liked her comment before she put down the tablet.

Was this woman for real? She actually started a war with a netizen just because of her.

A few seconds later, Irene received an incoming phone call from Tiffany again. This time, Tiffany called to reprimand her. "Are you crazy? Do you really want everyone to know how much you like @Scenery? Are you afraid that no one would know that you are already married? Are you afraid that no one would find out the identity of @Scenery? Seriously? Are you that afraid that nobody would know that you love @Scenery? Do you know that you have around fifteen million fans at the moment? Do you know that these followers are constantly keeping tabs and watching every move you make?"

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