Chapter 310: You Only Have to Pay...A Small Price

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Young Master Min, who was seated on the sofa, was also shocked when he saw Irene.

So many years had passed but Irene was still so beautiful. Her skin was still so smooth and tender. Was she really twenty four years old?

It was such a huge contrast if they were to compare both the ladies. Boa looked like a middle-aged woman next to Irene.

"Who is this?" Irene asked, deliberately acting as she did not know who Young Master Min was.

"Young Master Min, the music prodigy in the past. Have you forgotten him already? He was also interested in you and he tried going after you in the past. However, we got into a relationship after that and we are already planning to get married," Boa replied as she leaned against Young Master Min to emphasize the relationship between the two of them.

"I see. I really have no recollection of him at all."

When Young Master Min heard that Irene did not remember him at all, he felt a little offended.

No matter how beautiful she was, it was easy for him to sleep around and get any actress such as herself. He could do it with just a snap of his fingers.

"Irene, in the past, you were really the most talented student in the music course. At that time, Miss Li really had great expectations and hopes for you. However, who would have expected you to drop out of college so suddenly? You must have suffered a lot in the past few years," Boa said as she grabbed Irene's hand and pulled her towards the sofa. "Let's have a really good talk and catch up session tonight. I have not seen you in so many years. I have missed you so much! Tell me about your life for the past few years. How did you get through all of this? Acting must be really tiring and difficult too, right?"

"Everything is fine," Irene simply replied.

"Irene, you don't have to feel embarrassed. We are all friends here. Do not hesitate to ask us for help if you need anything. I have also invited a movie director over here tonight so that you can both have a good chat. Who knows? You might be able to enter the movie industry because of him."

"I am already very grateful towards you for letting me have the endorsement contract for 1064studio," Irene replied as she played along with Boa's charade. "I think you don't even know how important that contract was to me. It really isn't easy to make a living in the entertainment industry nowadays. I have to film dramas, participate in variety shows, and so much more. Everyone thinks that I am having a good life because I am getting a little more fame nowadays, but no one knows of the difficulties that I have had to go through to get where I am now..."

Tiffany was struggling to keep a poker face as she sat next to Irene.

Irene was truly an impressive actress.

When Boa saw Irene finally breaking down and telling them the truth, she could not help but feel extremely pleased. She patted Irene's shoulder gently before she said, "It's okay. Everything is fine. You have us to depend on in the future."

"Fate really plays around with people. I was not able to finish college and I still had to earn money to support my family. Life really was a struggle for me."

'You are really overdoing this,' Tiffany thought to herself.

"Don't worry, I will definitely help you to get more resources in future."

Tiffany continued to hold back her feelings. 'Who do you think you are? You are just a small time singer with terrible songs.'

"Alright then, thank you so much for your help, Boa."

When Boa saw how polite and grateful Irene was, she had really thought that Irene was very desperate and miserable. Therefore, she started to look down on Irene even more than she already had. Irene used to be the prettiest goddess in college, but now, she was just a joke.

Sweetest Top Actress in my House (Part 2) || LisreneTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon